Dreams of My Russian Summers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of My Russian Summers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Charlotte store newspaper clippings and photographs from her past?
(a) The Mongolian Suitcase.
(b) The armoire.
(c) A huge trunk in the attic.
(d) The Siberian Suitcase.

2. Why does Charlotte go to Russia during the war?
(a) To visit her uncle and aunt.
(b) To visit Albertine.
(c) To help on a Red Cross mission.
(d) To see if she wants to move back to Russia.

3. How does the narrator take it upon himself to continue his information-gathering about Russia and France?
(a) He breaks into his grandmother's suitcase.
(b) He interviews a French family who lives in Moscow.
(c) He records his grandmother's stories.
(d) He goes to the library.

4. What does Sergei notice being loaded?
(a) A freight train.
(b) A cart and horse.
(c) A large ocean-going vessel.
(d) An airplane.

5. When is the last time Charlotte speaks to Albertine?
(a) When Albertine climbs into a cab to go to the airport to visit France.
(b) When Albertine goes to a rehab hospital.
(c) Just before Albertine dies in the hospital.
(d) When Albertine leaves for Russia for one last visit.

6. What type of dwellings does Albertine move into with each move?
(a) Larger ones.
(b) Smaller ones.
(c) Older ones.
(d) Newer ones.

7. Why is the narrator allowed to stay when they discuss Charlotte in the kitchen in Chapter 8?
(a) He is 25.
(b) He is 18.
(c) He is 14.
(d) He is 22.

8. Who does Charlotte once visit in a Russian village?
(a) The young people.
(b) A shrine where miracles often happen.
(c) Her great-grandfather.
(d) A Russian seer.

9. Who is teased ruthlessly in school?
(a) Constantine.
(b) Charlotte.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Albertine.

10. What do the children dare Charlotte to do?
(a) Steal food from the local grocer.
(b) Visit a cemetery at midnight.
(c) Apply to emmigrate to the United States.
(d) Write prospective families to convince them to adopt the chilren.

11. Who does the narrator visit in Russian as a young boy?
(a) His Russian uncle.
(b) His French grandmother.
(c) His Russian grandmother.
(d) His maiden aunt.

12. Who is Charlotte?
(a) The narrator's Russian grandmother.
(b) The narrator's teacher.
(c) The narrator's French grandmother.
(d) The narrator's mother.

13. Where is Fyodor taken for reintegration?
(a) No where.
(b) Leningrad.
(c) Moscow.
(d) The Gulag.

14. Why are the narrator and his sister thrown out of the line?
(a) The others in the line think they intend to cheat.
(b) They are too young.
(c) They have already received their rations.
(d) They have no ration cards.

15. Where is Charlotte supposed to lay an object?
(a) On the kitchen counter.
(b) Under her bed.
(c) On a shrine.
(d) On a tombstone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Albertine leave behind?

2. Who is married to Norbert?

3. What does the narrator's grandmother press into the narrator's hand when the narrator is in bed?

4. With what group of Russians is the narrator's grandmother similar in age?

5. What happens when the scruffy woman notices the young boy looking at her?

(see the answer keys)

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