Dreams of My Russian Summers Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of My Russian Summers Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Dreams of My Russian Summers Lesson Plans

Map of Charlotte's Journeys.

Make a map of Charlotte's journeys from all of her stories.

Character Description

Write a physical, emotional, and relational description of your two favorite characters from Dreams of My Russian Summers. Add a portrait to go along with your written description. Explain why they are your favorite characters and how they are similar to yourself. Characters to consider: The Narrator, Charlotte, Avdotia, Beria, The Narrator's Sister, Pashka, Norbert, Albertine, Vincent, Fyodor, Sergei, Nikolai, and Mr. Bond.


Read another book by Andrei Makine and write a comparison and contrast between it and "Dreams of My Russian Summers".

T. V. Reporter

Pretend you are a TV reporter and provide an on-scene report about Charlotte's rape or the death of the narrator's biological mother.

Book Talk

Talk about "Dreams of My Russian Summers' to another class who has not read the book. Include a short reading...

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