Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Joy boil the shoes Pearl sends her?
(a) To kill the mold on them.
(b) To extract the rice paste.
(c) To shrink them.
(d) To stretch them.

2. What work does Pearl do?
(a) Stoke the blast furnace.
(b) Grinding wheat.
(c) Cooking for the harvesters.
(d) Cleaning the canning pots.

3. What war has broken out?
(a) In Huayang Province.
(b) In Taipai Province.
(c) Against the four evils.
(d) Near the border of Russia and Mongolia.

4. What does the brigade leader continue to expect?
(a) Double production.
(b) Propaganda classes in addition to the full day of hard labor.
(c) A full day's labor.
(d) Gourmet meals.

5. Who concocts a plan to get to the commune?
(a) Z. G.
(b) Dun.
(c) Auntie Hu.
(d) Pearl.

6. What do Pearl's housemates do when Pearl is out of the house one day?
(a) Searched her bedroom.
(b) Take everything of any value out of Pearl's bedroom.
(c) Destroy Pearl's bedroom.
(d) Give Pearl's bedroom to another woman.

7. What does the government realize about the peasants?
(a) They are more aware than they let on.
(b) They are for the most part not too bright.
(c) They are eating more food than can be sustained.
(d) They are close to revolting.

8. What does Joy allow Pearl to do?
(a) Sleep late.
(b) Braid her hair.
(c) Get ready to see Tao.
(d) Help her bathe.

9. What does Joy do when she observes the people's behavior?
(a) Stands on a box and exhorts the crowd to better behavior.
(b) Slaps Tao.
(c) Cries.
(d) Helps Yong to Yong's home.

10. What does Tao not do after Joy gives birth?
(a) Name the child.
(b) Come to look at his child.
(c) Talk to the doctor about Joy's condition.
(d) Help Joy recover.

11. What is pinned to Yong's chest?
(a) A red sash.
(b) A white ribbon.
(c) A red star.
(d) A white star.

12. What does the government insist the sparrows do?
(a) Ignore the government's war.
(b) Devour most of the seeds and grains.
(c) Nest in eaves and ruin them.
(d) Deface public seating areas.

13. After whom does Joy name her child?
(a) Z. G.
(b) Tao.
(c) Pearl.
(d) Sam.

14. What is beginning to hit the city?
(a) Disease.
(b) Heat waves.
(c) Rumors of the civil war coming closer.
(d) Food shortages.

15. Why is Pearl delighted when she returns from work one evening?
(a) To learn that her travel visa has been approved.
(b) To learn a package from Joy has arrived.
(c) To find Dun has made her some dinner.
(d) To learn that Joy is on her way there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Tao's family managed to do to stave off starving?

2. What requires that every pair of hands work nonstop?

3. To what does Joy think the people are blind?

4. How does Z. G. get Joy, Tao and Samantha to his car?

5. What does everyone on the commune worry about concerning the upcoming winter?

(see the answer keys)

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