Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is everyone when Z. G. and Pearl arrive at the Green Dragon?
(a) Either dead or in their homes too weak to work.
(b) On the road to a larger commune.
(c) Working in the rice paddies.
(d) Gathered at a public criticism.

2. What does the brigade leader say about Yong?
(a) She is a victim.
(b) She is a hero.
(c) She is a parasite.
(d) She is doing more than her share of the work.

3. What does the government insist the sparrows do?
(a) Deface public seating areas.
(b) Ignore the government's war.
(c) Devour most of the seeds and grains.
(d) Nest in eaves and ruin them.

4. What do the harvesters leave standing?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Many uncut rice stalks.
(c) Every tenth row for gleaners.
(d) Ten percent of the crop for the local farmers.

5. How does Z. G. get Joy, Tao and Samantha to his car?
(a) Dragging them.
(b) A wheelbarrow.
(c) A cart.
(d) Carrying them one by one.

6. What is Tao disgusted with Joy?
(a) Because she loves a female child.
(b) Because of her paintings.
(c) Because she wears dresses.
(d) Because she wants to go back to America.

7. How has Joy been feeling physically lately?
(a) About the same as always.
(b) She's been nauseous.
(c) Very ill.
(d) In great shape.

8. Why is Joy miserable on the commune?
(a) The cold and classes they have to take.
(b) The cold and lack of food.
(c) The commune leader is coming on to her.
(d) Tao is not paying any attention to her.

9. What requires that every pair of hands work nonstop?
(a) The overseer.
(b) The harvest.
(c) The upcoming festival.
(d) The Great Leap Forward.

10. What does everyone on the commune worry about concerning the upcoming winter?
(a) The snow will be worse than last year.
(b) The ground will get too hard to plow.
(c) The winter will be harder than last year.
(d) The artic winds are supposed to be worse this year.

11. What does Tao not do after Joy gives birth?
(a) Help Joy recover.
(b) Talk to the doctor about Joy's condition.
(c) Come to look at his child.
(d) Name the child.

12. Who does Joy think the most powerful leaders in China are?
(a) The ones who have been executed for so-called treason.
(b) The ones who lie the biggest and best.
(c) None.
(d) The ones who get busy and help the peasants with the harvest.

13. What does Dun recognize as symbolic of extreme distress?
(a) The boiled piece of leather.
(b) The black circles on several pieces of paper
(c) The "x" mark on several pieces of paper.
(d) The feathers in the package.

14. What is valued over performance?
(a) Looking busy.
(b) Speed.
(c) Espirit de corps.
(d) Nothing.

15. What has Tao's family managed to do to stave off starving?
(a) Kill a few rats and mice.
(b) Kill a few pigeons.
(c) Hide a cupful of uncooked wheat kernels.
(d) Grow a few mushrooms in the cellar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Joy and Z. G. do in Canton?

2. Alongside whom does Pearl work?

3. What does Auntie Hu tell Pearl?

4. Why does Pearl apply for paperwork to visit the Green Dragon Village?

5. What work does Pearl do?

(see the answer keys)

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