Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dreams of Joy: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Pearl not get along well with the boarders in her childhood home?
(a) They think she is too bourgeois.
(b) They think she believes herself to be superior to them.
(c) They are suspicious of Pearl's reasons for returning to China.
(d) They think she speaks with an English accent.

2. Who has kept Pearl's room exactly as she left it?
(a) Her grandmother.
(b) Boarders.
(c) Her parents.
(d) Her brother.

3. How long has it been since Pearl has moved back into her childhood home?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 6 weeks.
(d) 1 month.

4. Why is Joy not supposed to be pleased with her performance?
(a) She is an outsider.
(b) There is no place for pride in China.
(c) An American cannot do something well.
(d) She is not supposed to do better than others in the village.

5. Where does a guard tell Pearl he directed Joy?
(a) The missing person's bureau.
(b) The Artist Association.
(c) He does not remember.
(d) The Green Dragon Village.

6. What has Pearl maintained in Hong Kong?
(a) An apartment.
(b) A friendship with someone she knew as a young child.
(c) Illegal contacts.
(d) A deposit box with her American passport.

7. What mottoes does Joy quote when entering mainland China?
(a) Some her mother told her.
(b) Those she learns from the Chinese Student Democratic Association.
(c) Some she has read by Chairman Mao.
(d) Some her aunt told her.

8. Why does Z. G. arrange for Joy and Tao to have art lessons together?
(a) So Z. G. can discourage Joy from being interested in Tao.
(b) So Z. G. can discourage Tao from being interested in Joy.
(c) They both have similar talent.
(d) So they can spend time together away from the prying eyes of the commune.

9. What does Pearl learn from Z. G.'s servant?
(a) Joy is not with Z. G.
(b) Z. G. is being honored in Beijing that month.
(c) Z. G. has met Joy.
(d) Z. G. has been sent to the countryside to redeem himself.

10. Where is Z.G. going in the morning?
(a) To an art exhibit.
(b) Court.
(c) His mother's home.
(d) The countryside.

11. How many siblings does Tao have?
(a) 8.
(b) 1.
(c) 0.
(d) 2.

12. What does Joy tell Joe when she calls him?
(a) She is moving to the East Coast.
(b) She's ready to move to China with him.
(c) She is leaving for Taiwan.
(d) She has to leave him.

13. Where do Joy and her father go?
(a) To Hong Kong.
(b) To a large city about two days ride from Shanghai.
(c) Green Dragon Village.
(d) To his mother's home.

14. What is the significance of the book, "Shanghai Girls"?
(a) It is a less savory view of the lives of some Chinese girls.
(b) There is no significance of the book.
(c) It was written by the main character, Sam.
(d) It is the prequel to "Dreams of Joy".

15. Why does Joy think she will never leave the commune?
(a) She loves Tao.
(b) She loves farming.
(c) She is afraid to leave it.
(d) Her father has to live there for the rest of his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Z. G. view Joy's relationship with Tao?

2. Why is Z. G. sent back to the commune?

3. What is Z. G. supposed to remember?

4. Who does Joy believe is her biological mother?

5. Of whom is Joy slightly afraid?

(see the answer keys)

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