Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why is Caitlin glad that Cass does not call on Christmas?
2. Who does Caitlin take a picture of for her photography class' "people series"?
3. What does Caitlin's mother get her to wear to their April Fool's Day party?
4. How does Caitlin feel about herself when she is taking pictures?
5. What does Mr. O'Koren always take with him when he visits Caitlin at Evergreen?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Caitlin say when Rina tries to put together a girls' night out for them; and how does Rina react?
2. Who does Caitlin cry for during her first few days at Evergreen?
3. How does Caitlin act when she is at the lake with Rina?
4. What does Cass tell Caitlin in the letter that she sends her?
5. How does Caitlin cope with her feelings immediately after Rogerson hits her for the first time?
6. What does Caitlin do to the self portrait that her mother take to her while she is at the Evergreen Care Center?
7. What are Corinna and Dave arguing about when Caitlin goes over to their house?
8. What final surprise does Caitlin's mother have for her at Boo and Stewart's house?
9. What do Matthew and Caitlin talk about after class, and how does Rogerson react?
10. How is Caitlin doing in school once Rogerson begins abusing her?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write an essay that describes the relationship between Caitlin and Rogerson. Explain how that relationship has changed from the beginning to the end of the story. Explain how said relationship changed Caitlin and Rogerson as individuals. Describe the role that abuse plays in that relationship.
Essay Topic 2
Select a theme from the book (self discovery, power, control, self-image) and write an essay that explains how that theme relates to the plot. Identify characters and their actions that exemplify the theme, as well as how it connects to the relationship between Caitlin and Rogerson. Provide supporting text from throughout the book that explains how your selected theme relates to the plot and characters.
Essay Topic 3
How has Caitlin's relationship with Rina changed since the beginning of the book? Describe the role that Caitlin's relationship with Rogerson has in affecting her relationship with Rina. Explain how Rina feels about Rogerson in the beginning of his relationship with Caitlin, and how and why those feelings change.
This section contains 1,626 words (approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page) |