Dreamland Test | Final Test - Hard

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Dreamland Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cass tell Caitlin that she admires about her in a letter?

2. After Rogerson hits her for the first time, what does Caitlin say hit her in order to cover up the fact that Rogerson is responsible for her bruise?

3. Which of the following is NOT a manner in which Caitlin is physically different upon leaving the Evergreen Care Center?

4. What picture does Caitlin look at when she gets scared?

5. What does Caitlin ask Rina to talk about when she visits her?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Caitlin doing in school once Rogerson begins abusing her?

2. What happens when Caitlin returns home from the lake and sees Rogerson?

3. What final surprise does Caitlin's mother have for her at Boo and Stewart's house?

4. What does Caitlin say when Rina tries to put together a girls' night out for them; and how does Rina react?

5. What do Matthew and Caitlin talk about after class, and how does Rogerson react?

6. Where does Caitlin go immediately after leaving the Evergreen Care Center?

7. How have Caitlin's feelings about her relationship with Rogerson changed since he hit her on New Year's Eve?

8. What analogy does Caitlin reference to describe how she felt during her relationship with Rogerson and how she feels now?

9. How does Caitlin cope with her feelings immediately after Rogerson hits her for the first time?

10. Caitlin says about Rogerson: "It was funny. What I loved most about Rogerson was that he took me to a place so far from anywhere Cass had been." What does she mean by that statement?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe the role that abuse plays in this book. Explain Rogerson's relationship with his father and his relationship with Caitlin. Include a discussion of how the relationship between Caitlin and Rogerson is affected by his relationship with his father and her relationship with her parents.

Essay Topic 2

Describe Cass' role in Caitlin's life. Explain how Cass is important in affecting Caitlin's decisions and relationships with people, even though she is not there. Describe how Cass' absence affects Caitlin's parents and creates a void in their family and the connection that Cass has to Caitlin's relationship with Rogerson.

Essay Topic 3

In what ways does Caitlin struggle with her own self-identify? Explain how Rogerson, Cass, and her parents affect her self-image. Use text from throughout the book to support your response, and include specific examples detailing how Caitlin felt about herself before and after her relationship with Rogerson.

(see the answer keys)

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