Dreamland Test | Final Test - Medium

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Dreamland Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What class does Mr. Lensing teacher?
(a) History.
(b) Math.
(c) English.
(d) Science.

2. What is the first thing that Rogerson says to Caitlin when she returns home from her day with Rina?
(a) "Where the hell have you been?"
(b) "You're late!"
(c) "Did you have fun?"
(d) "I've been waiting."

3. Who does Caitlin not mention when thinking about the "If Onlys?"
(a) Cass.
(b) Corrina.
(c) Her parents.
(d) Rogerson.

4. How long does Caitlin cry when she first gets to the Evergreen Care Center?
(a) Two days.
(b) One week.
(c) One day.
(d) Two weeks.

5. Who does Caitlin constantly try to call while out with Rina?
(a) Dave.
(b) Rogerson.
(c) Corrina.
(d) Cass.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rogerson do to Caitlin when he is upset with her on New Year's Eve?

2. What does Caitlin NOT take with her when she leaves Evergreen?

3. What do Caitlin and her father do when he visits her?

4. What does Rogerson accuse Caitlin of having done after he picks her up from photography class?

5. What does Caitlin do when Cass calls and she answers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Matthew and Caitlin talk about after class, and how does Rogerson react?

2. Why does Caitlin go to the Evergreen Care Center?

3. Who does Caitlin cry for during her first few days at Evergreen?

4. What final surprise does Caitlin's mother have for her at Boo and Stewart's house?

5. What are Corinna and Dave arguing about when Caitlin goes over to their house?

6. What does Caitlin say when Rina tries to put together a girls' night out for them; and how does Rina react?

7. Caitlin says about Rogerson: "It was funny. What I loved most about Rogerson was that he took me to a place so far from anywhere Cass had been." What does she mean by that statement?

8. How is Caitlin doing in school once Rogerson begins abusing her?

9. Describe the dream that Caitlin has the night that Rogerson slaps her, and explain the significance of Cass in the dream

10. What does Caitlin immediately do when Rina arrives at her house to "kidnap" her and take her to the lake?

(see the answer keys)

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