Dreamland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Dreamland Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of corporation does Rogerston's father run?
(a) Marketing.
(b) Manufacturing.
(c) Engineering.
(d) Pharmaceutical.

2. Who drives Caitlin home from a party in Chapter 4?
(a) Rogerson.
(b) Mike.
(c) Rina.
(d) Kelly.

3. Who is the biggest rival for Caitlin's high school?
(a) Woodbridge High.
(b) Ridgewood High.
(c) Lincoln High.
(d) Central High.

4. In Chapter 5, what is the name of the person who goes on stage after the cheerleaders perform?
(a) Edwin.
(b) Wade.
(c) Charles.
(d) Robert.

5. In Chapter 5, what is Cass wearing when Caitlin sees her on TV?
(a) Blue cardigan.
(b) Black turtleneck.
(c) White t-shirt.
(d) Red t-shirt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Boo plan to make for the end-of-summer cookout?

2. What did Cass and Caitlan always give their dad for birthdays, Christmas, and Father's Day every year?

3. In Chapter 6, how long does Caitlin wait for Rogerson when he stops at a trailer in the country?

4. In Chapter 2, what does Boo arrange in a jar?

5. In Chapter 5, where does the cheerleading squad go for an event?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Senior Days, and how is Caitlin involved?

2. Why was Caitlin a little jealous of Cass, and why had she been looking forward to Cass going to college?

3. Who is Cass's boyfriend, and where did they meet?

4. How does Caitlin describe her father's job?

5. How did Cass and Caitlin get their names?

6. How does Caitlin feel about cheerleading and why does she stay on the squad?

7. At the beginning of Chapter 5, how does Caitlin feel when Rogerson does not call her?

8. Where does Rogerson take Caitlin in Chapter 6 before going to his house?

9. When did Cass run away, and what did she leave behind for her sister and parents?

10. What happened when Cass and Caitlin were six and four?

(see the answer keys)

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