Dreaming in Cuban Test | Final Test - Easy

Cristina Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dreaming in Cuban Test | Final Test - Easy

Cristina Garcia
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Imagining Winter: God's Will, _____ initiates Felicia, and she is given the _____.
(a) La Madrina/final rite of passage.
(b) Yernaya/spirits of the seas.
(c) Celia/family secrets.
(d) Herminia/goat to sacrifice.

2. What does Pilar believe with help her understand her grandmother?
(a) Spending more time with her.
(b) Asking Lourdes questions about her.
(c) Writing her letters.
(d) The right side of her face.

3. What does Felicia ask her new friend to do for her?
(a) To loan her some shells.
(b) To buy her some ice cream.
(c) To do her homework.
(d) To save her.

4. What does Celia say Javier does in his room for days at a time?
(a) Decorates.
(b) Reads.
(c) Dances.
(d) Sleeps.

5. What upsets Lourdes, when she arrives at Celia's house?
(a) The way Celia looks.
(b) The smell of the house.
(c) How messy the house is.
(d) There is no food prepared.

6. Who is Ernesto Brito?
(a) A man Felicia marries.
(b) A famous singer.
(c) Ivanito's teacher.
(d) Ivanito's best friend.

7. In Imagining Winter: Enough Attitude, Lourdes reflects on rejecting the _____ lifestyle.
(a) American.
(b) Cuban.
(c) Puente.
(d) Feminist.

8. What do the boys do with Pilar's herbs?
(a) Put them in a backpack.
(b) Smoke them.
(c) Sell them.
(d) Scatter them.

9. What does Celia smash in the final hours of Felicia's life?
(a) A wine bottle.
(b) A window.
(c) A record player.
(d) A figure of Obatala.

10. Who is the only person Lourdes feels she can talk to?
(a) Rufino's mother.
(b) Jorge.
(c) Rufino.
(d) Pilar.

11. What does Lourdes soak the book in that Pilar gives her?
(a) Orange juice.
(b) Eggs.
(c) Hot water.
(d) Coffee.

12. Felicia urges her new husband, Otto, to take her on a _____.
(a) Motorcycle.
(b) Nature walk.
(c) Roller coaster.
(d) Horse ride.

13. What does Felicia request in a note about her burial?
(a) She wants her ashes to be thrown into the sea.
(b) She wants to be buried as a santera.
(c) She wants her children to read her favorite poem.
(d) She wants to be buried at night.

14. What does Felicia's fortune show in Imagining Winter: God's Will?
(a) Fortune and fame.
(b) Imminent death.
(c) Lasting love.
(d) A daring adventure.

15. What does Celia discover on her body, at the end of Imagining Winter: Baskets of Water?
(a) A tick.
(b) A heart-shaped mole.
(c) A lump in her chest.
(d) A scar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the only thing Pilar wants to do during the week of midterms?

2. Who betrays Celia by revealing her involvement in politics?

3. Who advises Jorge to buy a house by the sea?

4. Celia wonders if her relationship with Gustavo, through letters, is better than watching him _____ and _____.

5. What suddenly disgusts Lourdes in Imagining Winter: A Matrix Light?

(see the answer keys)

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