Dragonsinger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonsinger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Camo hold for the people headed out of the Harpers Craft Hall?
(a) Meatrolls.
(b) Vegetable rolls.
(c) Breadrolls.
(d) Fruit rolls.

2. Who else's fire lizard has started to sing?
(a) F'nor's green.
(b) Lord Groghe's queen.
(c) Mirrim's brown.
(d) Mirrim's greens.

3. What color was the bolt of fabric that Silvina brought out for Menolly?
(a) White.
(b) Gold.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

4. What edible item did the Masterharper want Menolly to get?
(a) Some bubbly pies.
(b) Some spirits.
(c) Some fruit.
(d) Some klah.

5. How does the Masterharper distract Lord Groghe?
(a) With the promise of vodka.
(b) With the promise of good Benden wine.
(c) With the promise of strong Weltish ale.
(d) With good Belden wine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Menolly experience when she was conducting the group?

2. Why did Lord Groghe expect less of Menolly?

3. What did Menolly scream?

4. Menolly considers herself what?

5. Whose apprentice is Menolly?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Menolly cry insult from Pona? How did Sebell react to this?

2. How did Menolly believe she had erred after playing with the three Harpers?

3. What worried Menolly in regards to Sebell's desire to learn how to sail?

4. Why did the Master tanner not charge Menolly for the belt?

5. How did Silvina act towards Menolly's lack of desire for finery? What is the rationale behind these decisions?

6. What struck Menolly about the way Camo asked her if he could feed the fire lizards again?

7. How did the Masterharper prepare for a situation that Sebell did not?

8. What impression did Menolly get from the fire lizards?

9. What hidden message does Menolly tell to Sebell while they are talking with the two other Harpers after playing together?

10. How does Menolly react to being summoned? How is this indicative of how she has been treated?

(see the answer keys)

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