Dragonsinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonsinger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the first thing Menolly did when she woke up?
(a) Washed her clothes.
(b) Had a bath.
(c) Oiled the fire lizards' skin.
(d) Fed her fire lizards.

2. Moreta's Ride ended in who singing?
(a) Piemur.
(b) Menolly.
(c) The tenors.
(d) The fire lizards.

3. Where did Menolly's fire lizards go?
(a) To the Red Star.
(b) To Benden Weyr.
(c) To the Half Sea Hold.
(d) To the cot Menolly had previously stayed at.

4. What does Silvina say is a miracle?
(a) That the Masterharper successfully Impressed his bronze.
(b) That the Masterharper was pleased with his bronze.
(c) That the Masterharper is asleep with neither wine nor fellis juice.
(d) That the Masterharper is so happy and looks so relaxed.

5. Where does Silvina ask Menolly if she has clothes from?
(a) Fort Hold.
(b) Benden Weyr.
(c) Half Sea Hold.
(d) The Craft Hall.

6. What is going to prelude the hatching?
(a) The shifting of the pot.
(b) A buzz from within the eggs.
(c) The sound of cellophane.
(d) The fire lizards' hum.

7. What sours Domick?
(a) Having to teach the girls.
(b) Playing with people who have no talent.
(c) Having to train idiots.
(d) Having to repeat himself.

8. How did Pona insult Menolly?
(a) She called her a liar.
(b) She called her a thief.
(c) She called her a lizard licker.
(d) She called her an inbred.

9. What did Sebell tell the Masterharper that Menolly was good at being?
(a) Rewriter.
(b) A copyist.
(c) An artist.
(d) Composer.

10. What had made Dunca 'incensed'?
(a) That Menolly had no bed clothes.
(b) That Menolly slept nude.
(c) All of these.
(d) That Menolly had no undergarments.

11. How does Menolly react to being summoned?
(a) With confidence and curiosity.
(b) Like a whipped puppy.
(c) As though she's in trouble.
(d) As though she's going to get expelled from the Harper Craft Hall.

12. What did Piemur receive for his trouble in selling the pipes and the tambourine?
(a) A eighth mark.
(b) A half mark.
(c) A mark.
(d) Three quarters mark.

13. What color was the belt that was so pretty?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Orange.
(d) Red.

14. Who had screamed "Don't leave me alone!"?
(a) Lessa.
(b) Jaxom.
(c) Menolly.
(d) Brekke.

15. "The sky seemed to be as _____ with dragons as just recently it must have been with Thread."
(a) Packed.
(b) Stuffed.
(c) Filled.
(d) Clogged.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much did Piemur want for the tambourine?

2. How does the Masterharper discipline those who bore the brunt of the fire lizards' attacks?

3. What did Menolly scream?

4. What was the name of Pona's date to the gather?

5. What did Menolly experience when she was conducting the group?

(see the answer keys)

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