Dragon's Blood: The Pit Dragon Chronicles, Volume One Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragon's Blood: The Pit Dragon Chronicles, Volume One Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Likkarn say Rum is using?
(a) Trick of the Trade.
(b) Fool's Pride.
(c) Fool's Trade.
(d) False Pride.

2. What do Akki and Jakkin do back at the oasis?
(a) Train the dragon.
(b) Play with the dragon and then lie in the sun.
(c) Prepare a week's worth of food.
(d) Get ready to move the dragon.

3. What does Jakkin offer Likkarn?
(a) Hope.
(b) Gold in thanks for Likkarn's help.
(c) A stake in Red.
(d) Forgiveness.

4. What does Red entice Rum to do?
(a) Fly too high.
(b) Spew fire too far away.
(c) Attack.
(d) Retreat.

5. What does Jakkin wonder about Akki?
(a) If she likes him.
(b) If she is engaged.
(c) How she learned of his oasis.
(d) How many men she has been with.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sakkhan help heal Red's wounds?

2. What does Kkarina ask Jakkin to tell her?

3. How does Jakkin plan to get his dragon to Krakkow?

4. What has Jakkin been doing with his gold?

5. Who draws first blood in the fight between Red and Rum?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jakkin do as soon as he realizes there is a drakk nearby?

2. What does Sarkkhan reveal to Jakkin?

3. Why is Jakkin momentarily disappointed when he arrives back to his oasis after leaving the kitchen, but what does he then remind himself?

4. What does Akki tell Jakkin about why she is upset when Jakkin suggests Sarkkhan give her a reward for the dead drakk?

5. What does Jakkin wonder about Akki as the two are walking back to the bondhouse?

6. Describe the fight between Red and Bottle O' Rum.

7. What do Sarkkhan and Jakkin negotiate?

8. How does Jakkin know something is wrong when he and his dragon are swimming at the opening of Chapter 14?

9. What does Jakkin find at his oasis which worries him, and what does he think he can do about it?

10. What does Kkarina ask Jakkin about the hunt and what is his response?

(see the answer keys)

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