Dragon's Blood: The Pit Dragon Chronicles, Volume One Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragon's Blood: The Pit Dragon Chronicles, Volume One Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jakkin chosen to do?
(a) Run back and get reinforcements.
(b) Stand watch at the edge of the forest.
(c) Climb a tree.
(d) Be the one to use the eyeglass.

2. How many hatchlings does Heat O' Mine have?
(a) 1.
(b) 3.
(c) 9.
(d) 4.

3. Why does Blood Brother leave scratches on Jakkin?
(a) The dragon is trying to groom Jakkin.
(b) He does not scratch Jakkin.
(c) Jakkin angers Blood Brother.
(d) Jakkin leaves Blood Brother in the mud too long.

4. Where does Jakkin travel that day?
(a) To another dragon farm.
(b) To a place in the desert he has cultivated.
(c) To the main city on the planet.
(d) Back to his den.

5. Why is Likkarn concerned as the hunters return to the bond houses?
(a) Because the female is pregnant again.
(b) Because the female had not been burned quickly enough.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Because the male has not been found.

6. Where does Likkarn order Blood Brother to be taken?
(a) To the fight rings.
(b) To the hot sands.
(c) To the female dragon pens.
(d) To be used for stew.

7. What scares Jakkin and makes him climb down?
(a) The hiss of a drakk.
(b) A large owl divebombs Jakkin.
(c) A dragon bellowing.
(d) A snake in the tree that bites Jakkin.

8. Who pulls Jakkin into the bond house?
(a) Likkarn.
(b) Errikkin.
(c) No one.
(d) Akki.

9. Who is Likkarn?
(a) A free man who helps in the pottery sheds.
(b) A dragon doctor.
(c) An older bonder in charge of the boy bonders.
(d) A dragonrider.

10. What does Jakkin play up at dinner?
(a) The size of the drakks.
(b) Likkarn trying to provoke an attack on Jakkin.
(c) His role in the hunt.
(d) The smell of the drakk.

11. What does Jakkin do after shaking all the smaller trees?
(a) Comes back down to report.
(b) Rests on a large limb.
(c) Tries to drop a large limb on Likkarn's head.
(d) Climbs a big one to check for nests.

12. What happens when Likkarn smokes blisterweed?
(a) He is uncontrollably violent.
(b) He sleeps for a full day and night.
(c) He jokes around a lot.
(d) He makes errors with the dragons.

13. What does Jakkin do in response to the teasing?
(a) Teases back.
(b) Storms off.
(c) Hits the ringleader.
(d) Sits quietly with a smile on his face.

14. Where does Sarkkhan leave Likkarn?
(a) In with the other bonders.
(b) Tied to a tree near the dragon pits.
(c) In the dungeon.
(d) In a single room.

15. What is Kkarina no longer wearing?
(a) Her bracelet.
(b) Earrings.
(c) A wedding ring.
(d) A bag.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the drakk hunters given to help them not become disoriented?

2. What is Austar IV?

3. How does the hatching go?

4. What time of day is it when Jakkin wakes?

5. What does Balakk find with his eyeglass?

(see the answer keys)

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