Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Claire passes out and is brought back, she explains that in 1945, what happened?
(a) She was transported back in time through the standing stones.
(b) Her grandmother died and was buried there near the standing stones.
(c) Her parents had married at the little chapel.
(d) She was childhood friends with the person now buried there.

2. What does the Duke request in return for clearing Jamie's name?
(a) Fergus to run an errand for him.
(b) Claire to attend his dinner.
(c) Jamie and Claire to work for him.
(d) Jamie to sever ties with Charles Stuart.

3. While Claire nurses a man with a fractured leg, what does the dog Bouton alert her to?
(a) A piece of wood still lodged in the man's leg.
(b) A previously undetected infection in the patient.
(c) A fire in the hospital.
(d) Other fractures in the man's leg.

4. When Claire wakes up feeling ill, she lies in bed and remembers what?
(a) Her time spent in the Highlands.
(b) She left her purse at the post office.
(c) An earlier conversation with Brianna.
(d) The stranger she met at the small café.

5. As she watches Jamie duel, what happens to Claire?
(a) She starts to bleed and passes out.
(b) She falls and fractures her wrist.
(c) She has a seizure.
(d) She is frightened and screams.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jamie wants to duel Randall, what does Claire convince him to do?

2. During their reunion following Jamie's release by the king, Jamie and Claire share their pain and grief. What is Jamie relieved to hear Claire say?

3. What does Sister Angelique find when she checks Claire for fever?

4. After investigating the Fraser home, what does Roger do before he continues his search for information regarding Claire's list of Fraser men?

5. When Jamie has to leave for the local jail to help sort things out, who is left to care for Claire?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Jamie is released by the king, he and Claire are reunited. Describe their time together.

2. Why is Claire troubled by a memory she suddenly has in which Mary is about to marry Jonathan Randall in the year 1745?

3. When Claire runs into the Reverend Walter Laurent of Geneva, what does he share with her about Raymond?

4. After Mary is raped, how do Jamie and Claire try to protect her?

5. Give one example of how coming from different time periods gives Claire and Jamie differing perspectives.

6. What does Jamie make Claire promise regarding Frank?

7. How does Claire feel about Louise trying to abort her unborn baby?

8. Describe Claire's abilities as a caregiver at the hospital.

9. In Chapter 17, Jamie is spending more time with Charles, to the point where he comes home extremely late -- or not at all. How does Claire feel about this?

10. In a letter that Jamie and Claire decode, James wants Charles to find favor with King Louis. Explain why.

(see the answer keys)

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