Dragonfly in Amber Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonfly in Amber Test | Final Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when a big storm hits Lallybroch?
(a) It floods the village.
(b) It wipes out the barley fields.
(c) The potatoes rot.
(d) The sheep drown.

2. What treatment does Claire recommend for Jamie's grandfather?
(a) Massaging of the prostate.
(b) Bed rest and plenty of fluids.
(c) A limited diet.
(d) Surgery immediately.

3. When Jamie and Ian return to their wives from their trip to buy supplies such as needles and pickling spices, what has happened to Ian?
(a) He was robbed.
(b) He suffered a nervous breakdown.
(c) His wooden leg broke.
(d) He burned his hand.

4. What does Alex announce to the small group gathered around him when he is close to death?
(a) He wants Mary to wed whomever she wants.
(b) He will marry Mary.
(c) He wants Jack to wed Mary and take care of her.
(d) Jack should never marry.

5. When Claire, Brianna, and Roger are together at the standing stones, from what does Roger black out?
(a) Flames of the fire and smell of burning flesh.
(b) Lack of sleep and utter exhaustion.
(c) The flood of painful memories.
(d) From being punched in the face by Geillis' husband.

6. When Claire and Jamie arrive at Culloden House, what does Alec reveal?
(a) Their horses have been stolen.
(b) Their house has been ransacked.
(c) They're starving and had to eat the horses.
(d) He's lost his wife.

7. Ordinarily, what are the residents of Lallybroch used to eating?
(a) Wilted leaves.
(b) Barley and grains.
(c) Fish eggs.
(d) Pickled beets.

8. Even though she is going to marry another man, whose child is Mary carrying?
(a) Alex's.
(b) Jack's.
(c) The Duke's.
(d) Murtagh's.

9. Why is Claire going to battle?
(a) Every person in Lallybroch is needed to fight.
(b) She'll be needed to heal the wounded.
(c) She's afraid to be left behind.
(d) It is customary for a childless wife to accompany her husband in battle.

10. After telling Roger about the vaccination scar on Geillis' arm, what does Claire state that she believes about Geillis?
(a) That Geillis had a twin.
(b) She'd been betrayed by her lover.
(c) She really was a witch.
(d) That she's there now.

11. To save Jamie's men from being led to slaughter, what does Claire propose?
(a) Killing Charles.
(b) Arresting Charles.
(c) Lying to them.
(d) Sending them in the opposite direction.

12. What does Clair give Alex for his conditions?
(a) Pain medication.
(b) Cough medicine and herbs for his heart.
(c) An ointment for his skin.
(d) Herbs to calm his stomach.

13. Right before they part ways forever, where does Jamie lead Claire to in order to keep her safe?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) The castle.
(c) Mary's house.
(d) The standing stones.

14. How does Mary feel about having to wed Jack Randall?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Indifference.
(c) Elation.
(d) Rage.

15. After Claire finishes telling Brianna the truth about her father, what does Roger share with Claire?
(a) That she spoke with another accent when she shared her story.
(b) That he's in love with Brianna.
(c) His research findings about the fallen men.
(d) His fear that Brianna will hurt herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Claire notices Lord Lovat is not looking well, what does she ask him?

2. What past mistake does Colum MacKenzie apologize to Claire for?

3. Shortly after her arrival at Lallybroch, Claire receives word from Louise about:

4. Where does Claire go after she breaks into the Institute for the Study of Highland Folklore and Antiquities?

5. When Claire and Roger talk to Dr. McEwan, where do they claim they're from?

(see the answer keys)

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