Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Running into the kitchen babbling that he has failed Jamie, what does Fergus demand?
(a) To not be fed for two days.
(b) To be released from his duties.
(c) To be punished.
(d) To be turned to the streets.

2. What does Jamie do to Fergus reluctantly?
(a) Gives him a long lecture.
(b) Gives him ten lashes.
(c) Withholds food from him until the following evening.
(d) Tells him to clean all the chimneys.

3. Claire keeps questioning Jamie because of:
(a) The gash on his arm.
(b) Scratches on his thighs.
(c) His missing hat.
(d) His torn clothes.

4. After Jamie's duel, how long is Claire at the hospital?
(a) Five days.
(b) Nine days.
(c) One day.
(d) One week.

5. When Roger looks through one of his uncle's journals, what does he find?
(a) Entries about Frank Randall and the aftermath of when Claire returned in 1948.
(b) References to Brianna and Frank Randall written in 1968.
(c) That Frank Randall is not Brianna's real father.
(d) An old, faded photo of Frank Randall and Claire.

6. During their reunion following Jamie's release by the king, Jamie and Claire share their pain and grief. What is Jamie relieved to hear Claire say?
(a) She loves him madly.
(b) She didn't sleep with the king.
(c) It's not his fault she lost the baby.
(d) He's still handsome to her.

7. When Brianna and Roger lead Claire to a gravestone, what name is she startled to read?
(a) Jonathan Randall.
(b) Kirk Yard.
(c) Frank Randall.
(d) Reginald Wakefield.

8. Jamie hires a young boy named Fergus to do what?
(a) Help Claire around the house.
(b) Entertain the couple with his singing.
(c) Intercept and steal letters for Jamie.
(d) Make deliveries.

9. Why is Claire known as the "lady of sorcery" in some circles?
(a) Fergus tells the townspeople she can perform magic.
(b) She works at the hospital and frequents the herb shop.
(c) Jamie told friends she would cast a spell if he was with another woman.
(d) Because of her strong, independent streak.

10. What name was given to the child Claire lost?
(a) Hope.
(b) Felicity.
(c) Faith.
(d) Chastity.

11. At the beginning of the story, who do Claire and her daughter, Brianna, visit?
(a) The Reverend Reginald Wakefield.
(b) Mrs. Graham, the Reverend's housekeeper.
(c) The wives of the Fraser clan.
(d) An old friend named Roger.

12. After Mary writes a statement about the rape, what does Claire do?
(a) Loses it.
(b) Delivers it to the judge.
(c) Translates it.
(d) Rips it to pieces.

13. When Roger drives to Brock Tuarach, what does he find?
(a) An ancient ring inside the Fraser home.
(b) A circle of stones outside the Fraser home.
(c) The Fraser home abandoned.
(d) Claire waiting for him inside the Fraser home.

14. When Claire arrives at Mary's house to tend to her wounds, the servants:
(a) Hide in the attic.
(b) Bring her whiskey.
(c) Try to keep her from going in.
(d) Welcome her in.

15. Right before Geillis Duncan, who is tried as a witch, is burned alive, what does Claire notice?
(a) The cross-shaped tattoo on Geillis' ankle.
(b) Geillis' vaccination scar on her arm.
(c) The locket Geillis clutches in her hand.
(d) The emerald green necklace around Geillis' neck.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Claire stays at Fontainebleau, what does Louise finally confess to her?

2. What does Jaime confess to Claire once she awakens after fainting?

3. When Jamie has to leave for the local jail to help sort things out, who is left to care for Claire?

4. Claire's stomach pains are caused by:

5. After traveling by sea on their way back to Scotland, Jamie and company travel by:

(see the answer keys)

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