Dragonflight Trilogy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonflight Trilogy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Fax mean to do to the bronze rider?
(a) Write him a letter
(b) Destroy him
(c) Pay him a visit
(d) Kill him

2. What color has Ramoth turned?
(a) Bronze
(b) Orange
(c) Silver
(d) Yellow

3. What does Fax call the Dragonmen?
(a) Losers
(b) Scum
(c) Dragonwomen
(d) Cowards

4. Why does Mnementh think that watching Lessa is wasted effort?
(a) He believes no matter what, she'll mess up
(b) He believes she is circumspect by nature
(c) Mnementh wants her to make her own decisions
(d) Mnementh loves the queen so gives her rider more sway

5. How was Fax described according to F'lar's information?
(a) A greedy man who is mildly insulting
(b) A wealthy man who is absolutely truthful
(c) A generous man who is over accommodating
(d) A overbearing man who is ungracious

6. What is F'lar's first act as Weyrleader?
(a) To expel R'gul
(b) To marry Lessa
(c) To feed Mnementh
(d) To no longer placate the lords

7. What question does Lessa want answered?
(a) Why can't I overfeed my dragon
(b) Why can't I go out for dinner?
(c) If a queen isn't meant to fly, why does she have wings?
(d) Why can't I fly my dragon?

8. How many people arrived with the Lords?
(a) A little over five thousand
(b) In excess of a thousand
(c) A little over five hundred
(d) A little over ten thousand

9. What does F'lar offer Lessa that is better than Ruatha?
(a) Queen of Pern
(b) None of these
(c) Weyrwoman
(d) A dragon of her own

10. What does Gemma tell F'lar?
(a) That Fax really is a good man, deep down
(b) That Fax doesn't mean to be so cruel
(c) That he is a good man
(d) That Fax means to kill him

11. What prompted dragons to act?
(a) Bestial greed
(b) Survival
(c) Vengeance
(d) Bestial need

12. What did the watching bronze dragons do while the egg was hatching?
(a) Hum
(b) Wail
(c) Keen
(d) Roar

13. What caused Lessa to look at F'nor with increased respect?
(a) His argumentativeness
(b) His forcefulness
(c) His righteousness
(d) His pedantic nature

14. How did Lessa regard the air around F'lar?
(a) Repulsive
(b) Magnetic
(c) Attractive
(d) Compulsive

15. What did Fax do with any opposition he encountered?
(a) He killed them
(b) He bribed them
(c) He persuaded them
(d) He destroyed them

Short Answer Questions

1. Who had Gemma been protecting?

2. Where was Ramoth itchy?

3. Who prevents Fax from gaining profit from Ruatha?

4. What does Lessa vow?

5. What did anyone with a suitable woman do?

(see the answer keys)

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