Dragon Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragon Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV, Mother's Breath: Chapters 68 - 73.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Pitt at home and declares his confidence that the nuclear bombs will be found within a month?
(a) Mike Diaz.
(b) Al Giordino.
(c) Admiral Sandecker.
(d) Raymond Jordan.

2. What is the name of the Commander aboard the nuclear submarine sent to collect data and debris from the explosion site?
(a) Commander Jordan.
(b) Commander Morton.
(c) Commander DeLuca.
(d) Commander Meeker.

3. How many men are in the ambulance that pursues Pitt and the others as they head for the Dulles airport?
(a) Ten.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Seven.
(d) Five.

4. Who shows the MAIT team members where to place their explosives to generate the maximum effect?
(a) Jim Hanamura.
(b) Al Giordino.
(c) Josh Nagomi.
(d) Roy Oritz.

5. How much time elapses between the explosion and the destruction of the Invincible?
(a) Fifteen seconds.
(b) Milliseconds.
(c) Five seconds.
(d) Two minutes.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long do the rescuers initially intend to keep the oceanographic team prisoner in order to protect their secret project?

2. While briefing the President of the United States, what does Jordan talk the President out of doing?

3. How many passengers aboard the Narvik survive the explosion's shock wave?

4. Whom does Raymond Jordan suspect of being a sleeper agent?

5. After landing in Washington D.C., where are Pitt, Giordino, Fox, and Sandecker taken?

(see the answer key)

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