Downright Dencey Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Downright Dencey Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book III, Chapters 27-38.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What promise does Dencey say she cannot keep?
(a) Never to see Sammie again.
(b) To go to choir practice.
(c) To walk to school with Rosie.
(d) To not sing in the house.

2. What discarded item does Dencey decide to give to Sammie?
(a) Shirt.
(b) Boots.
(c) Coat.
(d) Pants.

3. What does Sammie drop when Dencey throws a rock at him?
(a) A basket of eggs.
(b) Marble pouch.
(c) Lunch pail.
(d) School books.

4. What is something that Sammie notes about the Coffyn house which he craves?
(a) Prayer rituals.
(b) Nourishing food.
(c) Mental pursuits.
(d) Woodworking skills.

5. Why is Dencey conflicted about taking Stephen's coat?
(a) The coat won't fit anyone else.
(b) Stealing is wrong.
(c) It is so old that no one will want it.
(d) It could be given to the orphanage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the town's meeting house?

2. What is the work of the person whom Dencey visits daily?

3. Why does Sammie suggest going to Brown's barn?

4. Tom brought Dency sea shells and a _________________.

5. Which of the following was NOT a way that Sammie felt being around Dencey?

(see the answer key)

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