Down These Mean Streets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Down These Mean Streets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Little not keep hitting Piri in the mid section?
(a) He thought it was Piri's strongest area
(b) It would have left him open
(c) He did not want to hurt him seriously
(d) Piri's defense was too good

2. What does Alayce say there is nothing worse than being?
(a) White
(b) Poor
(c) Afraid
(d) Black

3. What is Gerald writing a book about?
(a) Native American
(b) Racial relations
(c) Harlem
(d) Civil rights

4. What does Piri say the atmosphere at breakfast is like?
(a) A carnival
(b) A funeral
(c) A house party
(d) A wake

5. What does Brew say his mother taught him?
(a) How to have fun
(b) The ABCs
(c) Hate
(d) How to steal

6. Who is the first person Piri visits in New York?
(a) Trini
(b) Jose
(c) His mother
(d) His aunt

7. Which area of America is Gerald interested in?
(a) The South
(b) New York
(c) The West coast
(d) The East coast

8. What part of America is Gerald from?
(a) Washington
(b) New York
(c) Pennsylvania
(d) North Carolina

9. What does Waneko's mother wipe Piri's face with?
(a) Cool clothes
(b) A towel
(c) Baby wipes
(d) Tissues

10. What does the C in ABC stand for?
(a) Cop
(b) Care
(c) Cack
(d) Cone

11. What does the A in ABC stand for?
(a) Answer
(b) Accept
(c) Anal
(d) Accentuate

12. What is the name of Brew's girlfriend?
(a) Denise
(b) Marcia
(c) Trini
(d) Alayce

13. What does Piri draw Rocky as?
(a) A Negro
(b) An American Indian
(c) An aborigine
(d) A woman

14. Where does Piri start to work after he gets off the heroin?
(a) A cafe
(b) A hospital
(c) A restaurant
(d) A ship

15. What does Brew suggest the man can donate the money to?
(a) Children in Need
(b) African Aid
(c) The Seaman's Fund
(d) Cancer Research

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Piri say he avoids in Comstock State Prison?

2. Which of Piri's friends does he have a fight with?

3. What job does Jose now have?

4. What is the House of Do-Right also known as?

5. What does Piri give the officer when he calls him boy?

(see the answer keys)

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