Down These Mean Streets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Down These Mean Streets Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Louie do when he hears his sentence?
(a) Cries
(b) Shoots the judge
(c) Faints
(d) Laughs

2. Whose picture does Piri look for in his father's belongings?
(a) His father's mother
(b) His father's mistress
(c) His mother
(d) Paulie

3. What is Gerald's position at the bar?
(a) Cook
(b) Manager
(c) Waiter
(d) Barman

4. What does Piri give the officer when he calls him boy?
(a) Warm beer
(b) Cold coffee
(c) A slap
(d) A cup of urine

5. What does Brew suggest the man can donate the money to?
(a) Children in Need
(b) Cancer Research
(c) African Aid
(d) The Seaman's Fund

6. Who does Piri wish could see inside him?
(a) His father
(b) Brew
(c) His mother
(d) His brother

7. What does Jose tell Piri before he leaves?
(a) Never to come back
(b) To find himself
(c) He loves him
(d) To get over himself

8. What is the name of the prison Piri is moved to?
(a) Deacon Island Prison
(b) Georgia State Prison
(c) Long Island Prison
(d) Comstock State Prison

9. In what city does Piri go with two octoroons to have sex?
(a) Louisville
(b) New Orleans
(c) Raleigh
(d) Miami

10. What does Piri say the atmosphere at breakfast is like?
(a) A funeral
(b) A house party
(c) A carnival
(d) A wake

11. Who pulls Piri off his brother, Jose?
(a) His sister
(b) His mother
(c) His father
(d) Brew

12. What meal does the family gather for the next day?
(a) Lunch
(b) Breakfast
(c) Dinner
(d) Tea

13. Which of Piri's friends does he have a fight with?
(a) Little
(b) Roger
(c) Fangs
(d) Mr. Big

14. What does the gang have to buy in this section?
(a) Explosives
(b) A glass cutter
(c) A car
(d) A tool set

15. What do the prisoners call Ricardo?
(a) Tico
(b) Freaky
(c) Nut
(d) Dope

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Trina go to in this section?

2. What does Piri draw Rocky as?

3. What does Piri say he avoids in Comstock State Prison?

4. What word does Brew say is part of the vocabulary in the South?

5. How does Ricardo claim he is related to Piri?

(see the answer keys)

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