Doubt Test | Final Test - Easy

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Doubt Test | Final Test - Easy

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sister Aloysius say has a price toward the end of the play?
(a) All good deeds.
(b) Doubt.
(c) Compassion.
(d) The pursuit of wrongdoing.

2. Who does Father Flynn plan to talk to in order to have Sister Aloysius removed from her position?
(a) A lawyer.
(b) The Monsignor.
(c) The Mother Superior.
(d) Sister Veronica.

3. Why does Mrs. Muller say Donald was sent to St. Nicholas instead of public school?
(a) Kids in public school would have killed him.
(b) The public school is too far away.
(c) He was expelled from public school.
(d) They are rich and wanted to spend money on his education.

4. What does Sister Aloysius say wouldn't have worked if Father Flynn was innocent?
(a) Her call to Mr. Muller.
(b) Her lie.
(c) Her call to the Monsignor.
(d) His reappointment.

5. Why doesn't Mr. Muller come to Sister Aloysius' office with Mrs. Muller?
(a) He refused to come.
(b) He is out of town.
(c) He is at work.
(d) She doesn't have a husband.

6. Sister James tells Father Flynn that Sister Aloysius is determined to do what?
(a) Ruin the Christmas pageant.
(b) Get a promotion.
(c) Tell Donald's mother.
(d) Protect Donald Muller.

7. What does Mrs. Muller admit about Father Flynn?
(a) She's never met him.
(b) She hates him.
(c) She thinks he's handsome.
(d) She knew him before Donald came to the school.

8. Who does Sister Aloysius tell Sister James she prayed for?
(a) Sister James' brother.
(b) Herself.
(c) Donald Muller.
(d) Father Flynn.

9. What does Father Flynn accuse Sister Aloysius of doing during Scene 8?
(a) Not caring about the boys.
(b) Drinking the communion wine.
(c) Stealing from the offering plate.
(d) Attempting to destroy his reputation.

10. What does Mrs. Muller tell Sister Aloysius the world is?
(a) A place of opportunity.
(b) An exciting place.
(c) God's kingdom.
(d) A hard place.

11. What did Father O'Rourke tell the woman to do when she returned home after the second time he spoke with her?
(a) Tell the person she'd gossiped about what she'd done.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Give money to the church.
(d) Pick up the feathers.

12. What is Mrs. Muller's initial reaction to Sister Aloysius' when she is told Father Flynn may have made advances toward her son?
(a) She is skeptical.
(b) She starts yelling.
(c) She says she knew it.
(d) She cries.

13. What does Father O'Rourke say to the woman after she responds to his second request?
(a) He says she's banished from the church.
(b) He says she is a good woman.
(c) That is gossip.
(d) That is a sin.

14. When speaking with Sister James, why does Father Flynn say his is reluctant to try to repair the damage done by Sister Aloysius' accusations?
(a) He could get fired.
(b) He doesn't want to do further harm.
(c) He thinks Sister James won't support him.
(d) He knows he deserves it.

15. What did Father O'Rourke call the gossipy woman?
(a) A sinner.
(b) A beautiful, but misguided woman.
(c) Confused.
(d) An ignorant, badly brought up woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. While delivering a sermon in Scene 6, how many of his audience did Father Flynn say had gossiped?

2. In the sermon Father Flynn delivers in Scene 6, where did the gossipy woman go the day after she gossiped?

3. What does Father Flynn say he won't be able to do if Sister Aloysius makes her suspicions known?

4. What is Mrs. Muller's response when Sister Aloysius says Father Flynn is after the boys?

5. What does Mrs. Muller tell Sister Aloysius Donald has at St. Nicholas?

(see the answer keys)

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