Doubt Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Doubt Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Scene 8, Part 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Father Flynn say he won't be able to do if Sister Aloysius makes her suspicions known?
(a) His work in the community.
(b) Present his side.
(c) See the boys.
(d) Get a promotion.

2. Why does Father Flynn tell Sister James he avoids Donald Muller?
(a) Fear of being misunderstood.
(b) He doesn't like him.
(c) Sister Aloysius told him to.
(d) He's embarrassed.

3. In the opening scene of the play, Father Flynn describes the sailor's dilemma as what?
(a) A crisis of faith.
(b) A nuisance.
(c) A trivial matter.
(d) A loss of hope.

4. While delivering a sermon in Scene 6, how many of his audience did Father Flynn say had gossiped?
(a) Most.
(b) All.
(c) A few.
(d) None.

5. What is Sister James' reaction to the reason Father Flynn gives for his private meeting with Donald Muller?
(a) She doesn't believe him.
(b) She is relieved.
(c) She is shocked.
(d) She is angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Father Flynn say Sister Aloysius had no right to step?

2. In Scene 5, who serves the tea?

3. What reason did the woman give for her response to Father O'Rourke's second request?

4. How does Sister Aloysius plan to get proof that Father Flynn molested children in his former parishes?

5. What does Sister Aloysius say it is important for children to have?

(see the answer key)

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