The Double Helix Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Double Helix Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following best describes how Watson responded to Pauling's journal articles?
(a) Watson despised Pauling's articles
(b) Watson was jealous of Pauling
(c) They were over Watson's head
(d) Watson disagreed with Pauling's articles

2. What is the purpose of the preface in this text?
(a) To define what type of book it is
(b) To set the purpose and scope
(c) To outline the main events of the book
(d) To introduce the characters

3. Which of the following is Watson's interest?
(a) What is a gene?
(b) How does DNA crystallize?
(c) What are the crystallized images?
(d) Where is DNA stored?

4. What was Watson's main scientific interest?
(a) Human relations
(b) DNA
(c) RNA
(d) The scientific process

5. Which of the following is the best definition of the term abated?
(a) Ended
(b) Increased
(c) Rose
(d) Fell off

Short Answer Questions

1. How many types of nucleotides are in DNA?

2. Where did the Fellowship Board indicate Watson could transfer?

3. Which of the following does NOT describe Pauling as seen through Watson's eyes?

4. How did Watson and Crick respond to Bragg when he told them to stop working on the structure of DNA?

5. Which of the following events interrupted Crick's interest in DNA?

Short Essay Questions

1. What realization did Watson come to years after their discovery of the structure of DNA in regards to Rosy?

2. How is the character of Rosy portrayed by the author?

3. What did Watson want to study after hearing Pauling's lecture?

4. In what way did Watson technically break the terms of his fellowship?

5. What does Watson do that Crick is unhappy with?

6. Why did Watson and Crick think that the DNA structure was more complicated than the structure discovered by Pauling?

7. What did Watson and Crick find about the bonds that held together DNA?

8. What has Watson done on a social aspect while trying to make X-ray photographs?

9. What was Watson's breakthrough an implication for?

10. What two things was Watson interested in with regards to learning the structure of DNA ?

(see the answer keys)

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