The Double Helix Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Double Helix Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which term did Maurice use to describe the DNA structure?
(a) Surprising
(b) Definitive
(c) Reflective
(d) Beauty

2. Why was Watson trying to make crystallographic X-rays of TMV?
(a) To showTMV had helically stacked protein
(b) To show that TMV had DNA
(c) To show that RNA was the same as DNA
(d) To show that the work was worthwhile

3. Which of the following characters could best be described as the antagonist?
(a) Rosy
(b) Crick
(c) Watson
(d) Maurice

4. Who told Pauling about the double helix structure?
(a) Watson
(b) Delbruck
(c) Crick
(d) Maurice

5. What did Watson and Crick have to wait for?
(a) Rosy to leave King's lab
(b) Changes to be made to the backbone
(c) Base models to be built
(d) Maurice to provide them with new information

6. Who shared an office with Watson and Crick?
(a) Sir Lawrence
(b) Linus Pauling
(c) Rosy
(d) Chargraff

7. Which of the following terms best describes how the English scientists felt about the United States refusing to allow Pauling to travel to London to speak at the conference?
(a) Appalled
(b) Total agreement
(c) Protested
(d) Surprised

8. Why did Crick become annoyed with Watson?
(a) Because he wasn't spending all of his time on DNA
(b) Because he wasn't concerned about his sister's love life
(c) Because he wouldn't share the responsibility
(d) Because he refused to consider a 3 chain model

9. How does Watson end his book?
(a) By taking all of the credit in the discovery of the structure of DNA
(b) By sharing the credit in the discovery of the structure of DNA with Crick
(c) By reporting the importance of his discovery
(d) By discussing what the various people involved in the discovery of the structure of DNA are doing at the time of the writing

10. The base pairs Watson had developed after lunch were the same as the sets of bases that appeared whose work?
(a) Pauling's work
(b) Chargraff's work
(c) Rosy's work
(d) Maurice's work

11. Where did Watson's sister get married?
(a) Japan
(b) Cambridge
(c) Copenhagen
(d) United States

12. When would Watson go to Cal-Tech?
(a) Never
(b) Right away
(c) Next year
(d) Within the next five years

13. Where did Watson see Chargaff for the second time but they did not speak?
(a) London at a conference with Pauling
(b) International Biochemical Congress in Paris
(c) In Stockholm at a conference on crystallography
(d) Cambridge at the lab

14. What did Watson diverge from his study of DNA to study?
(a) Crystallograhy X-rays of RNA
(b) Sexes of bacteria
(c) Models of proteins
(d) Coils of protein helixes

15. How did Pauling feel about Watson and Crick's model?
(a) Angered
(b) Thrilled
(c) Argumentative
(d) Depressed

Short Answer Questions

1. Who checked Watson and Crick's chemistry on the model?

2. Whom did Watson compare Crick to when talking to Delbruck?

3. What was wrong with Maurice at the meeting in Paris?

4. Which of the following terms best describes the events at the meeting in Paris?

5. The epilogue can best be described as which of the following?

(see the answer keys)

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