Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where was Jim Tile born?
2. What is the name of Dickie Lockhart's cable fishing show?
3. In the 1970s, what position was Clinton Tyree elected to?
4. How many men are on the boat that comes to retrieve the marked fish at the New Orleans fishing tournament?
5. After walking away from his elected office, where did Clinton Tyree settle down?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does the local pathologist who examines Bobby Clinch's body not do a thorough autopsy?
2. What does Decker like best about the car he drives?
3. Why does no one notice Skink when he sees Bobby Clinch on the day that Bobby dies?
4. Why does Decker not bother to hide his expensive camera equipment in his trailer home?
5. Why does Ott Pickney become the Davey Dillo mascot for the high school?
6. According to Decker, what is the most dreaded assignment in journalism?
7. Why does Decker leave his first profession out of high school and accept a job at a local newspaper?
8. What surprises Skink when he spies Bobby on the day that Bobby dies?
9. As Tile, Decker, and Skink are driving away from the slough after finding Pickney's body, why does Tile have Decker and Skink duck down when an oncoming car gets close?
10. When Skink finally shows up at his house to find Decker waiting for him, why does Skink tell Decker that he is beginning to like him?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
One of the main themes in this novel involves deceptive appearances.
a. Identify three characters that use deceptive appearances to further their interests.
b. Why do these characters rely on deception?
c. What is the outcome for these characters? Were they successful in their endeavors or would they have been more successful if they had not been deceptive? Explain your answer.
Essay Topic 2
Reverend Weeb wears different masks in the story. Both a Christian leader and a cheat, Weeb is a study in contradictions. Identify, then compare and contrast the different sides of the reverend. How would his plan for establishing Lunker Lakes have been affected had he not been a successful at deceiving those around him? Why is it necessary for Weeb to wear different masks? Could he have been successful in launching Lunker Lakes without being deceptive? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
There are several characters introduced in the story who do not survive until the end. Identify at least three people killed as the novel progresses. Compare and contrast each of these deaths, being sure to indicate which character died, how the character died, who was responsible for the character's death, and what impact on the overall plot the character's death had. What could have - or should have - been learned from each of these deaths by the other characters?
This section contains 775 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |