Double Whammy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Double Whammy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Skink the details of the bench warrant issued for Decker's arrrest?
(a) Dennis Gault.
(b) Al Garcia.
(c) Lou Zucutti.
(d) Jim Tile.

2. When Skink and Garcia return from Garcia's fishing lesson on the lake, who is waiting for the two men at Skink's cabin?
(a) Lanie Gault.
(b) Dennis Gault.
(c) Deacon Johnson.
(d) Charles Weeb.

3. Who goes to Decker's trailer in an effort to figure out where Decker is hiding?
(a) Jim Tile.
(b) Lanie Gault.
(c) Thomas Curl.
(d) Dennis Gault.

4. Who enrolls in the Dickie Lockhart Memorial Bass Tournament posing as brothers?
(a) Tile and Decker.
(b) Garcia and Tile.
(c) Decker and Skink.
(d) Garcia and Skink.

5. How much does Decker's accuser claim that Dickie paid Decker as hush money?
(a) $30,000.
(b) $40,000.
(c) $20,000.
(d) $10,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. When first starting out as a televangelist, how did Charles Weeb gain his first followers?

2. How many siblings does Charles Weeb actually have?

3. When Decker returns from New Orleans to Miami, who calls him?

4. How many compartments does Dennis Gault's tackle box have?

5. As Skink ties up Decker's visitor with fishing line, what song is Skink singing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Garcia want to be present when Decker is taken into custody?

2. Why do the police officers not enter Decker's trailer in Miami when Decker is inside the trailer, but is being held prisoner?

3. After returning to Miami, what does Decker want to tell Dennis Gault?

4. According to the hydrologist, why are the fish in Lunker Lakes all dying?

5. When Decker and Skink are leaving town and realize they are being followed, Decker pulls over to talk to the person following them. What does Decker realize about his pursuer?

6. When Weeb realizes that two of the contestants in his fishing tournament are minorities, why is Weeb upset?

7. Why does Thomas Curl intend to kill R.J. Decker?

8. What does Lanie share with the police in her statement?

9. After Decker is awakened in his Miami trailer by the telephone ringing, what does he expect that his visitor will be bringing to him?

10. Describe the injuries that Jim Tile inflicts on one of his attackers when the attacker points a gun at Tile.

(see the answer keys)

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