Double Standards Test | Final Test - Easy

Judith McNaught
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Double Standards Test | Final Test - Easy

Judith McNaught
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lauren decides to play the game of pretending to be in love with whom?
(a) Nick.
(b) Jim.
(c) William.
(d) Dave.

2. What did Nick's mother do with the gift Nick gave her?
(a) Gave it to the maid.
(b) Threw it away.
(c) Poured it down the sink.
(d) Used a little bit every day.

3. What is Nick's response when Lauren tells him she wants a relationship?
(a) He proposes to her.
(b) He agrees outright.
(c) He refuses.
(d) He says he'll think about it.

4. Who is Nick's mistress?
(a) Ericka.
(b) Melissa.
(c) Deirdre.
(d) Janie.

5. When do Nick and Lauren marry?
(a) In six months.
(b) In three months.
(c) In a year.
(d) Immediately.

6. Which of the following does NOT describe Rossi and his project?
(a) He is very skittish.
(b) He is reluctant to trust anyone.
(c) He is confident his formula will work.
(d) His formula is untested.

7. Who overheard Philip blackmailing Lauren about the bids?
(a) Stacy.
(b) Tony.
(c) Mary.
(d) Jim.

8. Why is Lauren nervous about seeing Nick again?
(a) She knows he is going to propose to her.
(b) She doesn't want him to see how much he hurt her.
(c) She made a big error on the last bid.
(d) She took some towels from his master bathroom.

9. Where does Lauren go after she is tossed out of the office?
(a) Philip's.
(b) The Cove.
(c) Tony's.
(d) The condo.

10. Why is company security investigating Lauren's employment information?
(a) She directs a huge budget.
(b) There are rumors of her criminal past.
(c) She is working on a top secret project.
(d) She is becoming a partner in the firm.

11. Who does Lauren tell about her arrangement with Philip?
(a) Mary.
(b) Jim.
(c) Stacy.
(d) Nick.

12. In what country has Nick been doing business?
(a) Germany.
(b) Japan.
(c) Italy.
(d) France.

13. What has Lauren lost which is the only thing she has left of her dead mother?
(a) Pearl necklace.
(b) Tennis bracelet.
(c) Earrings.
(d) Diamond ring.

14. Who has Nick brought with him to the party?
(a) Ericka Moran.
(b) Erin Moran.
(c) Ericka Moore.
(d) Ericka Morris.

15. Who picks up Lauren to go to the executive's meeting?
(a) Jim.
(b) Philip.
(c) Nick.
(d) James.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lauren wear to the executive's meeting?

2. What does Mary tell Lauren to do?

3. What is Lauren's assignment regarding a new project?

4. Who does Jim pretend to have a date with this weekend?

5. Who does Lauren learn is Nick's mother?

(see the answer keys)

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