Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who have been brought in with virus symptoms?
(a) Two of the detainees.
(b) No new cases have arrived for a day now.
(c) Four of the detainees.
(d) Someone from outside the quarantine area.

2. When Kirvin had read the document about the last rites when she was in her own time, what did she think at that time about the document?
(a) That the church was at least a little flexible.
(b) She does not remember reading any such document.
(c) That it was frivolous.
(d) That it was insane to worry about last rites.

3. What has happened to Beverly Breen?
(a) She is threatening to sue the University.
(b) She has recovered and seems to have strong anitbodies for a vaccine.
(c) She is demanding to go home to her own doctor.
(d) She has died.

4. What is Dunworthy horrified about?
(a) To find that Badri is wrong about the amount of slippage.
(b) To find the main computer missing.
(c) To find the net columns locked.
(d) To find the power turned off in the lab.

5. Who does Imeyne blame for the scourge?
(a) Eliwys.
(b) God.
(c) Kivrin.
(d) Fr. Roche.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has she done with limited success?

2. What day is it at the opening of Chapter 17?

3. Why does Kirvin want Gawyn to return as soon as possible?

4. What does Kirvin think the church must have felt now from her perspective in this time?

5. What does Kivrin realize about the clerk that the Bishop's envoy leaves behind?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the next victim to fall ill and how does Kirvin discover it?

2. What about the virus situation in modern times concerns Dunworthy?

3. How does Kivrin slip up and what does she do to try to cover her mistake?

4. Describe the discussion between Badri and Dunworthy about Kirvin's time travel.

5. What does Kivrin first do upon realizing the date and what is wrong with the clerk?

6. Why does Kivrin take Agnes to Father Roche and what is the outcome?

7. What does Kivrin write in her Doomsday Book about various victims?

8. What does Kivrin say about the rest of the family?

9. What does Kivrin note about the Bishop's envoy?

10. What does Dunworthy realize when talking to Badri?

(see the answer keys)

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