Doomsday Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Back at Oxford, what is evident about Badri?
(a) He may never regain consciousness.
(b) He has a new virus never seen before.
(c) He is very ill.
(d) He will be well shortly.

2. What does Dunworthy try to learn from Badri?
(a) The name of his guardian.
(b) The names of those he has come in contact with.
(c) Nothing at this point as Badri is still unconscious.
(d) Where Kivrin is.

3. What does the Doomsday book record?
(a) Nothing because Kivrin forgets she has it.
(b) The priest's name.
(c) The type of symptoms Kivrin is having.
(d) A translation of a Latin prayer.

4. Who is the head of the History Department at Oxford?
(a) Dunworthy.
(b) Montoya.
(c) Basingame.
(d) Brougman.

5. What is the priest doing with Kivrin?
(a) Carrying her to the drop site.
(b) Administering last rites.
(c) Tying her to a stake to be burned.
(d) Feeding her broth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kivrin find at the place where Gawyn found her?

2. What does Kivrin immediately know when she wakes?

3. What happens with Badri, Dunworth and Mary return to the lab?

4. What village is being excavating near the University?

5. What is Colin hoping to receive?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Kivrin's interpreter do and does she expect to need it?

2. What does Kivrin think in the confusion generated by her high fever?

3. What does Kivrin do to ensure she can find her pick up spot again and what is her first entry in her Doomsday Book?

4. How does Colin explain his presence in the quarantine line?

5. What is the policy about sending historians to the medieval period and how is the department getting around the policy?

6. What is Kivrin trying to do in chapter 6 but having a hard time with?

7. What does Badri believe and how does Dunworthy calm Badri's fears?

8. What does Badri keep saying and where does Dunworthy take him?

9. Where and how is Kivrin when she wakes?

10. Describe some of the preparations Kivrin makes for the trip back in time.

(see the answer keys)

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