Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Though the bells are frightening, what does Kirvin believe is worse?
(a) The screams of the loved ones left behind.
(b) Nothing is worse than hearing the bells toll in Kivrin's opinion.
(c) The silence.
(d) The cries of the sick.

2. What does Eliwys ask the boy who brings the missive from the bishop?
(a) If he is feeling alright.
(b) Nothing; she knows it's useles.
(c) If he has seen Gawyn.
(d) If his town has been hit by the plague.

3. What does Badri say he should have done when he realized the date was wrong for Kivrin's jump?
(a) Called Andrew for help.
(b) Kept himself conscious for a little longer.
(c) Reopened the net immediately.
(d) He thinks there is nothing else he could have done.

4. What does Andrews respond when asked to come take Badri's place?
(a) He says he will come in a few days when the innoculations have had time to be effective.
(b) He declines.
(c) He says it will take him 2 days to get there.
(d) He is also ill and can not help.

5. What does Kivrin ask Fr. Roche to do?
(a) Start finding rats and killing them.
(b) Start getting the villagers to wash themselves and their clothes.
(c) Urge the villiagers to remain in their own homes.
(d) Set up a quaratine barrier on the roads leading to and from town.

6. Who is still incoherent?
(a) Montoya.
(b) Mary.
(c) Anne.
(d) Badri.

7. What does Agnes want with Kirvin when she calls for Kirvin?
(a) To tell her a secret about her new puppy.
(b) To tell her that Rosemund has hurt herself.
(c) To ask her when her father will return.
(d) To say that she is hot.

8. How long will it take to create a vaccine for the new strain of virus?
(a) About 20 days.
(b) At least a month.
(c) Maybe 2 weeks.
(d) About 2 days.

9. Why does Kirvin want Gawyn to return as soon as possible?
(a) So Elwys can be happy in the little bit of time she has left.
(b) To get to the drop so Kirvin can get medicine and then return.
(c) So he can take charge.
(d) So he can start digging graves.

10. What does Kirvin think the church must have felt now from her perspective in this time?
(a) Mystified as to why God would do something like bring on this plague.
(b) Angry.
(c) Powerless.
(d) They were desperate.

11. When does Agnes die?
(a) She doesn't die.
(b) Christmas day.
(c) New Year's eve.
(d) The day after New Year's day.

12. What helps Agnes' knee?
(a) Antibiotics.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Old wine.
(d) Exorcism.

13. Who have been brought in with virus symptoms?
(a) No new cases have arrived for a day now.
(b) Four of the detainees.
(c) Two of the detainees.
(d) Someone from outside the quarantine area.

14. Who does Kivrin hope has died?
(a) Gawyn for not helping her.
(b) No one.
(c) Sir Bloet.
(d) The envoy who brings the plague to the village.

15. How can Kivrin and Fr. Roche afford to travel?
(a) They know God will provide.
(b) Money from the clerk's purse.
(c) They decide not to go.
(d) There will be plenty of empty homes to stay in.

Short Answer Questions

1. What evidence does Montoya not find at the excavation site?

2. Who does Sir Bloet bring with him?

3. Why does Eliwys not go to the burial of one of her daughters?

4. What is going on non-stop?

5. What bells are tolling?

(see the answer keys)

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