Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes missing the time frame by so many years?
(a) Badri has no idea.
(b) A power surge.
(c) Wrong dial up.
(d) Slippage.

2. Who does Kivrin hope has died?
(a) No one.
(b) The envoy who brings the plague to the village.
(c) Sir Bloet.
(d) Gawyn for not helping her.

3. What helps Agnes' knee?
(a) Exorcism.
(b) Old wine.
(c) Prayer.
(d) Antibiotics.

4. When Kirvin had read the document about the last rites when she was in her own time, what did she think at that time about the document?
(a) That it was frivolous.
(b) That the church was at least a little flexible.
(c) That it was insane to worry about last rites.
(d) She does not remember reading any such document.

5. About what is Colin excited?
(a) That Dunworthy is doing so much better.
(b) That they are going to mount a rescue effort.
(c) That his mother's presents have finally arrived.
(d) That his mother has finally arrived.

6. How is Agnes faring?
(a) She is quite ill but seems likely to survive.
(b) She is getting worse.
(c) She has no sign of the plague.
(d) She is better.

7. Who is missing?
(a) Maisry.
(b) Rosemund.
(c) Eliwys.
(d) The stable boy.

8. What does Kivrin accidentally let slip?
(a) That she has medicines.
(b) That she is not from England.
(c) That she can read.
(d) That she is older than she looks.

9. Why has Fr. Roche consecrated part of the green?
(a) Because the church yard is almost full.
(b) He has not because he is not allowed to do so.
(c) So the sick can feel at peace that they will be buried in holy ground.
(d) So the dead will not have to be carried far.

10. What does Mary realize when Montoya is brought in to the hospital with the virus?
(a) That she is the only one who is sick who was working on the dig.
(b) That the common factor is the work on the knight's tomb at the dig.
(c) That Montoya has a different virus.
(d) That the virus has mutated though Montoya has the original strain.

11. Who refuses last rites from Roche?
(a) The clerk.
(b) Imeyne.
(c) Eliwys.
(d) Gawyn.

12. What is going on non-stop?
(a) The sounds of everyday life.
(b) Life.
(c) The ringing of the church bells.
(d) The harvesting.

13. What does Kivron notice about a visiting priest?
(a) That he is very well read.
(b) That he slips his hand down Maisry's bodice.
(c) That he has an inner light to him.
(d) That he is extremely fat for that day and age.

14. Why does Eliwys not go to the burial of one of her daughters?
(a) She no longer believes in God.
(b) She say she has to stay with the other daughter who is sick.
(c) She feels too ill.
(d) She will no say why.

15. What is Eliwys concerned about?
(a) That there are bells tolling in the distance.
(b) That both dogs have died.
(c) That Rosemund is too young for marriage.
(d) That Gawyn has not returned.

Short Answer Questions

1. What evidence does Montoya not find at the excavation site?

2. What does Kivrin do as she looks at the sick clerk?

3. Who interrupts the conversation between Gawyn and Kivrin about going to the drop site?

4. What does Colin call Gaddson?

5. What does Gawyn say about taking Kivrin to where he found her?

(see the answer keys)

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