Doomsday Book Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doomsday Book Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters Twenty-nine through Thirty-one.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Kivrin talk to Rosemund?
(a) Her approaching marriage to Sir Bloet.
(b) That she shouldn't touch ill people without gloves.
(c) Keeping clean.
(d) That rats spread the plague.

2. What does Gawyn say about taking Kivrin to where he found her?
(a) That she should stop asking him.
(b) That he already brought all her things.
(c) That his wife won't let him take her.
(d) That he will take her the next day.

3. What does Montoya admit?
(a) She forges Basingame's signature.
(b) She had Kivrin get an extra boost of gamma globulin.
(c) She was ill before anyone else.
(d) She sent antibiotics with Kivrin.

4. What does Gilchrist have no intention of doing?
(a) Opening the net to pick up Kivrin.
(b) Leaving Kivrin stranded.
(c) Listening to Dunworthy.
(d) Asking permission to open the net; he'll just do it.

5. What is Dunworthy and others told as they are released from the hospital?
(a) They are fully recovered and need take no more precautions.
(b) They are to stay on bed rest.
(c) They will need another blood transfusion in two days.
(d) They can not leave the city.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the priest doing with Kivrin?

2. What evidence does Montoya not find at the excavation site?

3. What is wrong with Kivrin?

4. What does a medic ask of Dunworthy's group?

5. What makes Mary begin to believe that the illness is not the South Carolina strain of flu?

(see the answer key)

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