Don't Stop the Carnival Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don't Stop the Carnival Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens while Iris helps Norman make up the beds on the morning after the champagne party?
(a) The rain stopps.
(b) They run out of clean sheets.
(c) The cistern breaks.
(d) There is an earthquake.

2. Where is the birthday party Iris takes Norman to?
(a) On Misquito Hill.
(b) On Sugar Hill.
(c) The Govenor's mansion.
(d) The Thousand Steps.

3. What does Hippolyte do in ten days?
(a) He prepares to deliver Esme's baby.
(b) She builds a room on her house for a nursery.
(c) He fixes everything at the club.
(d) He starts running the Senator's bar.

4. What happens to the tarpaulin during the champagne party?
(a) It blows out to sea.
(b) It blows open and ends the party.
(c) It traps everyone, but they are too drunk to care.
(d) It blows halfway across the lobby.

5. Who is hurt before Hippolyte is captured?
(a) Meadows.
(b) Iris.
(c) Norman.
(d) Lester.

6. What happens to Iris and Norman's picnic lunch?
(a) It is delicious.
(b) It falls overboard.
(c) It is ruined
(d) It is on the island waiting for them.

7. What problem besides a hangover does Norman Paperman have the morning after the champagne party?
(a) Guests are checking out because they have no water.
(b) All the chambermaids have quit.
(c) He needs to write an $1,800 check to cover supplies for the Tilson party.
(d) All answers are correct.

8. What happens as Norman danced with Iris at the Tilson party?
(a) Someone taps on his shoulder interrupting them.
(b) Iris passes out in his arms.
(c) The Governor gets jealous and hits him.
(d) Someone called "fire,"

9. What is Iris and Norman's change of plans after they never get to Dingley Dell?
(a) Iris makes dinner in her cabin.
(b) They cook on the beach.
(c) They go to Hogan's Fancy for dinner.
(d) They have dinner at the club.

10. What does Norman say that really upsets Miss Buckley while in her office?
(a) He suggests Senator Easter is at the bottom of the problem.
(b) He suggests she doesn't know what she is doing.
(c) He suggests getting Miss Buckley fired.
(d) He suggests the Gull Reef Club is in the middle of a political battle.

11. Who promises to find Esme for Norman in the morning?
(a) Miss Buckley.
(b) Church.
(c) Iris Tramm.
(d) The Governor.

12. Afraid for Lester's life, where does Norman finally find his friend?
(a) Sitting by the pool watching Iris swim.
(b) At the beach.
(c) In his room sleeping.
(d) At the Tilson party.

13. What does Norman learn about his friend Lionel when he has dinner at Hogan's Fancy?
(a) Lionel is going to invest in Crab Cove.
(b) Lionel is going to buy Hogan's Fancy.
(c) Lionel is going to buy Casa Encantada.
(d) Lionel is going to buy Senator Pullman's bar.

14. Since Hippolyte does such a good job on everything else, what does Norman ask him to do?
(a) Greet people at the airport.
(b) Work on the Crab Cove job for Lester.
(c) Finish the job Tex Akers abandoned.
(d) Help with the gondola.

15. Who goes along to the airport with Norman when he meets Henny's plane?
(a) Bob Cohn.
(b) Iris Tramm.
(c) Shiela.
(d) Janet West.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lester offer Norman for finding the property he is interested in?

2. What happens to Norman as he listens to old tunes on Iris's phonograph?

3. What does Norman learn after he and Iris make love?

4. What dance becomes a peek show during the champagne party?

5. What question does Iris ask Norman over dinner at Hogan's Fancy?

(see the answer keys)

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