Don't Look Behind You Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don't Look Behind You Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Soon after Amy's party, April decides to return to Norwood. What helps her decide to do this?
(a) She hates Grove City.
(b) Her grandmother wrote, begging her to return.
(c) Her father gave her some money.
(d) She misses Steve so much.

2. How does her grandmother convince April that she has to return to Florida?
(a) By making her realize their lives are in danger.
(b) By offering her hundreds of dollars.
(c) By making her feel bad about leaving her parents.
(d) By promising to give her her car.

3. Jodi Simmons from Norwood sees April at Disney World and yells her name. What is April's first reaction?
(a) She pretends she doesn't know who Jodi is.
(b) She stops and chats with Jodi as though everything is normal.
(c) She grabs Bram's hand and runs towards the gate.
(d) She makes sure Bram is safe and then tries to get away.

4. April and her grandmother go into the house and April sees Kim's phone number on the counter. What does she immediately think?
(a) It is time to phone the police.
(b) Kim has snitched on her.
(c) Her parents have phoned the FBI.
(d) Her parents had found out she wasn't at Kim's.

5. The hitman locks April and her grandmother up and then April manages to climb into the attic through a trapdoor. What is she looking for the in the attic?
(a) The trapdoor to Bram's room.
(b) A window.
(c) A gun.
(d) Her family.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the Disney trip, what routine does April fall into for the next few weeks?

2. Larry and April end up sitting at the movie together. What is the movie about?

3. Jodi demands to know why April left Norwood. What does April say?

4. What kind of feeling does April have as she waits for her grandmother to get money at the ATM?

5. Back in Norwood, what does April tell Steve about her time away?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is April's reaction to her uncomfortable feelings during the movie? What does she then do?

2. Why is April secretly glad that Vamp tells them he is going to hold them hostage and confines them to a bedroom closet?

3. April decides the only way to handle what she found out from Jodi is to continue playing tennis and going out with Larry. What happens at Amy's party? How does Larry react?

4. The day after Amy's party, April is hungover and depressed. What does her father tell her that makes everything seem so bad that she just wants to get out and go back to Norwood?

5. April had agreed to go to a movie with Larry because it was a group event. At the movie she meets Abby, who sat next to her on the plane. How does April handle this situation?

6. When April returns to Norwood, she gets a rude awakening about Steve. What does she learn? What does she ask Steve to do?

7. When April gets home from the movie, her parents have obviously been arguing. What does her father then tell April?

8. April is worried about the car behind them and decides to do something. What is it and what is the resutl?

9. The family stays at the Disney theme park during the morning and then April's parents head for Epcot Center while she stays with her brother. When Bram is on the Alice in Wonderland ride, Aprl hears someone call her name. Who is it and how does April handle the situation?

10. When April and Lorelei stop for dinner, her grandmother is worried about the road map, which turns up missing. Why is Lorelei worried about it?

(see the answer keys)

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