Don't Look Behind You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don't Look Behind You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What grade is April in?
(a) Twelfth.
(b) Tenth.
(c) Eleventh.
(d) Ninth.

2. How does the family travel to Florida?
(a) Mr. Corrigan and Bram on one plane, Mrs. Corrigan and April on another.
(b) April and her mother take the train, the guys go by plane.
(c) On the same plane.
(d) By train.

3. What is waiting for the Corrigans when they reach the airport in Florida?
(a) A crate of complimentary oranges.
(b) A sealed package with keys and directions to their new home.
(c) A U.S. Marshal.
(d) A car.

4. After the Corrigans leave Virginia, how does Vamp try to track down April's mother?
(a) By pretending to be an IRS agent.
(b) By pretending a movie producer wanted to make her book into a movie.
(c) By checking her credit card account.
(d) By pretending to be her doctor and phoning her mother.

5. April finds out more information on what happened to her father the day after he phones her mother. How does this happen?
(a) Jim buys a newspaper.
(b) Their grandmother calls.
(c) They see it on the televison news.
(d) They receive a letter from Mr. Corrigan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom Geist is sitting in the kitchen when April gets home. Who is he?

2. What is the new name given to Bram by the U.S. Marshals Service?

3. What is April's grandmother's name?

4. What else do the FBI agents say about the case while April is eavesdropping on the phone?

5. What happens to Bram in Sarasota?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is waiting in the Corrigan house when April and her grandmother arrive home from school? Why is April uneasy about this?

2. Very quickly, the Corrigans are on their way to the Richmond airport to relocate to Florida. Mrs. Corrigan travels with April and Mr. Corrigan with Bram. April finds herself sharing a seat with someone. Who is it and what does April tell her?

3. The family is told they will have to become part of the federal relocation plan to protect witnesses whose lives are threatened. How does Max explain how this works?

4. The book begins with: "(T)he world as we knew it ended for us on a Tuesday afternoon in May." How does April describe her school day on that Tuesday afternoon in May?

5. After they arrive at the Mayflower, what restrictions does Jim put on the Corrigans?

6. After April inspects the yard of her new home in Grove City, she starts to walk. Where does she go and what building does she come across?

7. Rita tells the family that they have to get going asap because someone has contacted their grandmother. What happened and why is Rita concerned?

8. April wakes up to her first morning in Grove City and decides to explore a bit. What is her first impression when she ventures outdoors?

9. Five days after their first meeting with the U.S. Marshal Rita Green, she comes back with their new identities. Where will the family be going and what will April's new identity be?

10. The night after April overhears the phone conversation between Max and Jim, her father calls and talks to his wife. What does April's mother then tell April and Bram? Why is April so upset?

(see the answer keys)

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