Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Don Quixote and Sancho go into the village the next morning, what is their problem?
(a) The priest at the church thinks they are up to no good and refuses to tell them where to find Dulcinea.
(b) Neither of them has ever seen Dulcinea and they do not know where to find her.
(c) Dulcinea has traveled to Madrid to visit the Queen.
(d) Dulcinea is in the village selling wheat but they do not recognize her.

2. How does Cervantes plan to see that no further writing is done regarding Don Quixote de La Mancha?
(a) By getting a legal restraining order.
(b) By allowing only a select few people to see his work.
(c) By seeing him dead and buried at the end of Part Two.
(d) By writing the rest of the books in code.

3. What literary device is introduced in Chapter nine that helps move the story along and give it credence?
(a) A narrator is introduced who discovers an old manuscript about Don Quixote.
(b) A parallel is drawn between Don Quixote and King Arthur.
(c) Lengthy poetic renditions are added to give the story more authenticity.
(d) A sage is found to travel with Don Quixote and write down his adventures.

4. How does Don Quixote get around paying a monthly wage to Sancho Panza?
(a) He pays him with enchanted money that Sancho cannot see.
(b) He fires him and starts looking for a replacement.
(c) He turns it around and gets Sancho to pay him a monthly wage.
(d) He says he never read anything like that in his books about knight errantry.

5. Realizing their mistake, where do Don Quixote and Sancho Panza go to hide only to meet up again with Gines de Pasamonte who steals Sancho's ass?
(a) Back in La Mancha
(b) The fulling mills
(c) The inn where they stayed before
(d) The Sierra Morena mountains

Short Answer Questions

1. Sancho thinks Quixote's captors are not demons at all. What is Quixote's response to that suggestion?

2. What device does Cervantes use to introduce the comedic nature of Don Quixote?

3. These early adventures of Don Quixote establish what theme that runs throughout the novel?

4. How does Cervantes poke fun at his own mistakes in writing the first part of The Adventures of Don Quixote?

5. What symbolism does Cervantes use to express the closeness of Quixote and Sancho?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Teresa Panza show her practical side?

2. How do many people abuse Don Quixote's madness?

3. What is Sancho's comic rationale for believing Don Quixote is not in an enchanted cage at all?

4. Outline the story of what Anselmo wants Lothario to do.

5. Describe the story of the Captive Captain.

6. Summarize Don Quixote's idea of the Golden Age.

7. Describe how Cervantes presents Sancho as one motivated by money.

8. How does Don Quixote contrast the life of a soldier and that of a scholar?

9. Give a physical description of Quizada before he transforms himself into Don Quixote.

10. Describe Rocinante.

(see the answer keys)

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