Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Don Quixote say he would like to become?
(a) A banker
(b) A shepherd
(c) A cleric
(d) A professor

2. Why is a substitute used for the man who had been challenged to a duel?
(a) The actual man had run away to avoid becoming the son-in-law of the Duenna.
(b) The substitute was paid a great deal of money.
(c) The actual man was a relative of the Duke's.
(d) The substitute could be easily beaten.

3. What happens to the boat Sancho and Quixote expropriate on the river?
(a) It is sunk by angry people who own the boat.
(b) It smashes on the wheel at a mill Quixote imagines is another castle.
(c) It stops in the middle of the river and will not go further.
(d) It goes over the falls.

4. Who are the two gentlemen Quixote and Sancho meet in the inn?
(a) Don Juan and Don Carlos.
(b) Don Jeronimo and Don Juan.
(c) Don Leandro and Don Camacho.
(d) Don Luis and Don Cardenio.

5. Back in the castle what happens with Quixote and Dona Rodriguez?
(a) She brings many distasteful things for him to eat.
(b) Quixote keeps his head under the sheets so the Dona will not see his wounds.
(c) The lights go out and they are slapped and pinched in the darkness.
(d) He begins to think she is not a bad person after all.

6. What irritates Don Quixote as he listens to Sancho speak?
(a) His rambling on and on without a point
(b) His use of homespun proverbs
(c) His butting in to Quixote's conversations
(d) His affected speech

7. When everyone else leaves the table, where does Sancho go?
(a) To the stable to check on Dapple
(b) To the moat to take a swim
(c) To hold a conversation with the Duchess
(d) With the servants to play games

8. Why is Sancho amazed once again at Don Quixote's vast knowledge?
(a) Quixote knows exactly where they are and how to get to where they are going.
(b) Quixote can anser any question Sancho asks him.
(c) Quixote gives Sancho a science lesson about the moon and stars.
(d) He gives detailed information about Saint George, Saint Martin, Saint James and Saint Paul.

9. How does Sancho show his lack of pretension?
(a) He refuses to sit on a throne.
(b) He talks only to the poor.
(c) He wears his everyday clothes.
(d) He rejects being called Don Sancho Panza.

10. In a scheme to poke fun at Don Quixote and Sancho, who makes an appearance?
(a) A milkmaid dressed as the Lady Dulcinea
(b) A cow saddled like a knight's steed
(c) The eccliastic dressed as an avenging angel
(d) An actor dressed as the Devil

11. When they come to another inn, what does Don Quixote see?
(a) A fortress
(b) A cathedral
(c) A castle
(d) An inn

12. How does the Duke get Sancho to agree to the self flagellation?
(a) Getting him drunk with summer wine
(b) Promising him a new green suit
(c) Bribing him with a large sum of money
(d) Fear that he might lose the governorship the Duke promised him

13. What comes back to Sancho from his behavior toward Don Quixote?
(a) Now people think he is mad.
(b) Now he has to make all the decisions.
(c) Now he has to hear all court cases.
(d) Now people are asking him for money.

14. What arrangements had the Duke made regarding the duel?
(a) To keep injury to a minimum
(b) To invite the country people to watch
(c) To convince Don Quixote that it was all an illusion
(d) To stop the duel and declare Don Quixote the winner

15. What is a goal of Sancho as he assumes his governorship of his island?
(a) To see that girls stay in the home
(b) To stop boys from dressing like girls
(c) To see that everyone pays taxes
(d) To shut down the gambling houses

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Quixote do when Sancho must leave to assume his governorship?

2. What is the discussion about between Don Diego and Don Quixote?

3. What is the literary significance of the pit Sancho and Dapple fall into?

4. On their trip away from the castle, what misfortune happens to Quixote and Sancho?

5. How does Sancho come across as he takes charge of his isle?

(see the answer keys)

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