Don Quixote Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 67 | Part 2, Chapter 68 | Part 2, Chapter 69 | Part 2, Chapter 70.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What characteristic do Quixote and the innkeeper share as observed by Dorothea and Cardenio?
(a) They both love fighting with uneducated people.
(b) They are both fond of money and use tricks to get it.
(c) They are about the same age, height, and build.
(d) They both love the books of chivalry and believe them to be true.

2. Which two of Quixote's chivalric heroes inspire him to do a penance in the mountain?
(a) Valiant and Gawain
(b) Peter and Paul
(c) Amadis and Orlando
(d) Arthur and Lancelot

3. Why does Sancho Panza doubt that the enchanted demons are real?
(a) He does not believe in demons.
(b) He touches them and they feel like human bodies.
(c) He sees that they leave footprints when they walk.
(d) He overhears them speaking in his native tongue.

4. Found lying on the ground and severely wounded, where is Don Quixote taken by a neighbor?
(a) To his door just as the curate and barber arrive with his niece and housekeeper.
(b) To an inn where he thinks he is in a castle.
(c) To the village where everyone can see him and make fun of him.
(d) To the local magistrate who will examine Don Quixote's mental ability.

5. What unlikely group of men does Don Quixote set free and enjoin them to go tell Dulcinea of their release?
(a) A group of criminals being taken to the galleys
(b) A group of Christians captured by the Moors
(c) A group of soldiers on military training
(d) A group of actors rehearsing for a play

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the challenge to knight errantry presented to Don Quixote by Vivaldo?

2. Why were the Duke and Duchess eager to meet Don Quixote and Sancho?

3. Sancho thinks Quixote's captors are not demons at all. What is Quixote's response to that suggestion?

4. What does the imagery of the Golden Age represent to Don Quixote?

5. Who challenges Don Quixote and defeats him?

(see the answer key)

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