Don Quixote Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Chapter 48 | Part 1, Chapter 49 | Part 1, Chapter 50 | Part 1, Chapter 51.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the beating by the carriers, what does Sancho request that Don Quixote cannot supply?
(a) A suit of armor to protect him against future beatings
(b) Money so that he can return home
(c) Fierabras balm that Quixote had said would cure anything.
(d) Wine to numb his pain

2. Which two of Quixote's chivalric heroes inspire him to do a penance in the mountain?
(a) Valiant and Gawain
(b) Peter and Paul
(c) Amadis and Orlando
(d) Arthur and Lancelot

3. As Dorothea tells her story, what does Cardenio suddenly realize?
(a) That she is the farmer's daughter Don Fernando promises to marry.
(b) That he cannot remember Lucinda's face.
(c) That she is more beautiful than Lucinda.
(d) That she can lead him to Lucinda.

4. How does Sancho Panza regain Dapple?
(a) The mule has bucked off its captor and headed back to La Mancha.
(b) Don Quixote offers a large reward for the mule.
(c) Gines de Pasamonte rides up disguised as a gypsy but Sancho Panza recognizes him.
(d) Don Quixote finds the mule in the castle stables.

5. What is the challenge to knight errantry presented to Don Quixote by Vivaldo?
(a) Vivaldo challenges Don Quixote to find and slay a dragon.
(b) Vivaldo suggests that the day of knights errant are long past and Don Quizxote should go home.
(c) Instead of making their last moments in honor of their ladies, knights should instead submit themselves to God.
(d) Vivaldo says that the rules of knight errantry need to be rewritten.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Sancho Panza when he drinks Don Quixote's balm of wine, oil, salt and rosemary?

2. Realizing their mistake, where do Don Quixote and Sancho Panza go to hide only to meet up again with Gines de Pasamonte who steals Sancho's ass?

3. What is the canon's opinion of the chivalric tales?

4. What is the plan to transport Don Quixote back to La Mancha?

5. What literary device is introduced in Chapter nine that helps move the story along and give it credence?

(see the answer key)

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