Don Quixote Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Chapter 40 | Part 1, Chapter 41 | Part 1, Chapter 42 | Part 1, Chapter 43.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Don Quixote's explanation for the way the people at the inn toss Sancho into the air from a blanket?
(a) They had fun with Sancho because they could not do that to a knight errant.
(b) Sancho allowed it to happen so Don Quixote could escape.
(c) The castle is enchanted.
(d) Sancho had it coming to him.

2. How does Sancho trick Don Quixote into waiting until morning to investigate the clanking sound?
(a) He loosens Quixote's saddles so it falls off.
(b) He ties Rocinante's back legs together.
(c) He puts a sleeping powder into Don Quixote's wine.
(d) He points Rocinante in the wrong direction.

3. The niece, the housekeeper, the curate and the barber all agree on what as the cause of Don Quixote's madness?
(a) The cheap wine he has been drinking
(b) His vast collection of books
(c) His poor diet
(d) His extreme old age

4. In reality, what are the thirty or forty hulking giants Don Quixote attacks only to get seriously injured again?
(a) Windmills
(b) Oak trees
(c) Haystacks
(d) Large rocks

5. What is the cause of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza getting a brutal beating from the Yanguesan carriers?
(a) Don Quixote's idea that the carriers are enemy soldiers.
(b) Don Quixote's attempt to secure two horses for himself and Sancho
(c) Sancho's attempt to get back hos mule
(d) Rozinante's attempt to mate with their pirze mares

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Don Quixote believe he has been enchanted in the night as he guards the inn?

2. What common object becomes the means of correspondence with the Captive Captain?

3. Realizing their mistake, where do Don Quixote and Sancho Panza go to hide only to meet up again with Gines de Pasamonte who steals Sancho's ass?

4. Why does Zoraida attempt to correspond with the Captive Captain?

5. After the beating by the carriers, what does Sancho request that Don Quixote cannot supply?

(see the answer key)

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