Don Quixote Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 19 | Part 2, Chapter 20 | Part 2, Chapter 21 | Part 2, Chapter 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sancho's plan to deceive Don Quixote about the Lady Dulcinea?
(a) He says that the Lady Dulcinea is currently in a convent preparing for her marriage to Quixote.
(b) He tells Quixote that Dulcinea has been enchanted and will only be seen as a peasant girl.
(c) He says that the Lady Dulcinea's father has locked her away in a tower somewhere in the north.
(d) He tells Quixote that the Lady Dulcinea has left the village and gone to the inn to look for him.

2. What is the canon's opinion of the chivalric tales?
(a) He thinks they should be read by all educated people.
(b) He says that he has never read one of them.
(c) He says that the so-called books of chivalry are most harmful to the commonwealth.
(d) He hopes they will restore chivalry to the world.

3. What imaginative tale does Dorothea tell Don Quixote?
(a) That she is the Princess Micomicona of the land of Micomicon whose kingdom has been taken over by a giant by the name of Pandafilando of the Malignant.
(b) That a knight errant will destroy her and take over her kingdom.
(c) That she must marry a giant to regain her lost kingdom.
(d) That an evil mage has enchanted her kingdom and she cannot return.

4. Why does Lothario think Camilla is being unvirtuous?
(a) He hears that a number of men have been visiting her at home.
(b) He notices that Camilla goes out every afternoon when Anselmo is away.
(c) He thinks she is beginning to respond to him and the poems he writes for her.
(d) He sees her maid's lover leaving the house early one morning.

5. What is the story within the story that is found at the inn?
(a) The tale of Lancelot and Guinevere
(b) The tale of Robin and Marian
(c) The tale of Anselmo and Lothario
(d) The tale of two cities

Short Answer Questions

1. After the feast at Camacho's house, where does Don Quixote want to go?

2. Andres, the boy Don Quixote saves from a beating in his early adventures, shows up and tells Quixote never to help him again. Why?

3. What characteristic do Quixote and the innkeeper share as observed by Dorothea and Cardenio?

4. What makes Sancho Panza drop his demand for a salary?

5. How does Quixote blend knight errantry and sainthood?

(see the answer key)

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