Don Quixote Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 19 | Part 2, Chapter 20 | Part 2, Chapter 21 | Part 2, Chapter 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sancho Panza doubt that the enchanted demons are real?
(a) He sees that they leave footprints when they walk.
(b) He overhears them speaking in his native tongue.
(c) He touches them and they feel like human bodies.
(d) He does not believe in demons.

2. What is the cause of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza getting a brutal beating from the Yanguesan carriers?
(a) Don Quixote's idea that the carriers are enemy soldiers.
(b) Don Quixote's attempt to secure two horses for himself and Sancho
(c) Sancho's attempt to get back hos mule
(d) Rozinante's attempt to mate with their pirze mares

3. What is the canon's opinion of the chivalric tales?
(a) He says that he has never read one of them.
(b) He says that the so-called books of chivalry are most harmful to the commonwealth.
(c) He hopes they will restore chivalry to the world.
(d) He thinks they should be read by all educated people.

4. How does Sancho Panza regain Dapple?
(a) The mule has bucked off its captor and headed back to La Mancha.
(b) Don Quixote offers a large reward for the mule.
(c) Gines de Pasamonte rides up disguised as a gypsy but Sancho Panza recognizes him.
(d) Don Quixote finds the mule in the castle stables.

5. What irritates Don Quixote as he listens to Sancho speak?
(a) His rambling on and on without a point
(b) His affected speech
(c) His butting in to Quixote's conversations
(d) His use of homespun proverbs

Short Answer Questions

1. What characteristic do Quixote and the innkeeper share as observed by Dorothea and Cardenio?

2. How does Quixote blend knight errantry and sainthood?

3. When Don Quixote and Sancho go into the village the next morning, what is their problem?

4. What is Sancho's plan to deceive Don Quixote about the Lady Dulcinea?

5. What is Don Quixote's explanation for the way the people at the inn toss Sancho into the air from a blanket?

(see the answer key)

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