Donnie Brasco Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph D. Pistone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Donnie Brasco Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph D. Pistone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which FBI agent did Brasco introduce to Lefty on the boating excursion?
(a) Rocky.
(b) Bull.
(c) Stiff.
(d) Snake.

2. Who became the acting boss of the Bonanno family while Rusty was in prison?
(a) Jimmy Two Times.
(b) Joe Diamonds.
(c) Sally Fruits.
(d) Big Ange.

3. Which wiseguy went into protective custody?
(a) Ange.
(b) Lefty.
(c) Snake.
(d) Carmine.

4. What would determine whether Lefty or Mirra got Brasco?
(a) How close Brasco was to their families.
(b) How much money Brasco made for either of them.
(c) Who trusted Brasco more.
(d) Whether Mirra was made when he introduced Brasco to Lefty.

5. What did Lefty think happened to Conti when Conti never returned?
(a) Conti got arrested.
(b) Conti was shot.
(c) Conti was dead.
(d) Conti ran off with the money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Brasco learns that Balistrieri knew Conti _______________________.

2. Who was the big fish who Brasco wanted to get closer to?

3. Sonny once offered to buy a ______________ that Brasco had admired.

4. Sonny and Lefty have fought over _______________.

5. Who was one of the missing wise guys?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were the pros and cons of Pistone's wearing a wire around the mob guys?

2. What was the only way that Pistone had to find out about who was killed in the hit?

3. What was "The Left Hand" and how was it used?

4. What is Pistone's explanation when Lefty learned that the "Left Hand" is an FBI boat?

5. Why was it dangerous for Sonny and Lefty as well as Pistone when they learned that Pistone was an FBI agent?

6. Why was the FBI concerned when Lefty disappeared in the days after the decision regarding who Pistone belonged with?

7. Describe the night that Pistone stayed in Sonny's New York apartment.

8. What happened at another Vegas night at King's Court and why does this make Sonny even more determined to get into the drug business?

9. How did Sonny's relationship with Pistone develop?

10. What was Sonny's advice about Pistone's giving Lefty large sums of money and why did Pistone want to get closer to Sonny?

(see the answer keys)

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