A Doll's House Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Doll's House Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Mrs. Linde give for being at the Helmers' apartment?

2. What does Mrs. Linde say was her reason for sending Krogstad a harsh break-up letter?

3. How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable?

4. What stops Nora from leaving?

5. How does Doctor Rank respond when Nora asks what he would do if she asked him a huge favor?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Linde respond to Krogstad's suggestion that she should give up her post at the bank for his benefit?

2. Why can't Nora ask Doctor Rank for help, after he tells her his feelings?

3. Describe Torvald's reaction to Nora's wrongdoing.

4. What does Nora ask Doctor Rank to do for her, after the maid gives Nora the card?

5. After news of Doctor Rank's impending death, what does Torvald say that he often wishes?

6. Why does Krogstad say it would be useless for Nora to kill herself?

7. How does Krogstad respond to Mrs. Linde's offer to be with him?

8. Describe Rank's ideas of costumes for himself and Nora at the next fancy dress ball.

9. Why does Nora confess what's happened to Mrs. Linde?

10. What does Krogstad want most?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss Nora's decision to leave Torvald.

1) Why does Nora consider Torvald a stranger when she leaves him? Why does she feel she can't learn what she needs to learn and stay in Torvald's house?

2) Why is Nora willing to leave her children?

3) In what ways is Nora's action in leaving Torvald selfless, and in what ways is it selfish? Is it the right decision?

Essay Topic 2

Torvald does not want to be seen as weak by others, and his pride often dictates his actions. Discuss Torvald's pride.

1) Discuss how Torvald's pride is at the root of his firing Krogstad. How is pride a factor in Torvald actually delivering the letter of dismissal against Nora's wishes?

2) How does Torvald's pride contribute to the way he treats his wife? How much does Torvald's pride contribute to Nora lying to him? How does it contribute to his reactions to Krogstad's letters?

3) How does Torvald's pride affect his attitude toward money and toward his job?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the characters' naming of each other in the play.

1) How do the nicknames Torvald uses for Nora show his feelings and attitude towards her? How do they reveal his character?

2) How are the characters' ideas for costumes for themselves and others a kind of naming, or assignment of identity? What does Torvald's choice of costume for Nora say about his feelings and attitudes towards her? What do Doctor Rank's choices of costumes for Nora and himself in the future say about his feelings and attitudes?

3) What other names and identities do the characters assign themselves and others, and what significance do they have?

(see the answer keys)

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