A Doll's House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Doll's House Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Doctor Rank say he's gained from his "scientific investigation"?
(a) hope
(b) domination
(c) certainty
(d) life

2. What name does Torvald call Nora, after reading the letter?
(a) little squirrel
(b) little lark
(c) miserable creature
(d) monstrous crow

3. Who does Krogstad intend to tell about the bond?
(a) the bank officers
(b) the newspapers
(c) Torvald
(d) the police

4. What does Krogstad say he will do with the bond?
(a) give it to Torvald
(b) burn it
(c) keep it
(d) hide it in a safe place

5. What does Krogstad compare himself to?
(a) a gambler out of money
(b) a condemned prisoner
(c) a recluse in a cave
(d) a shipwrecked man

6. What is Krogstad's initial reaction to the fact that the Helmers are at a dance?
(a) laughter
(b) fear
(c) anger
(d) surprise

7. How was Nora's dance received by the guests at the party?
(a) The guests enjoyed her dance.
(b) The guests were embarrassed by her dance.
(c) The guests were offended and started to leave.
(d) The guests were angered and asked her to leave.

8. What is Nora's reaction when Doctor Rank tells her his feelings?
(a) She is happy.
(b) She begins to cry.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is upset but pretends to be happy.

9. What happens while Nora is dancing?
(a) Her shawl flies off.
(b) Her hair comes down.
(c) She trips and falls.
(d) Her shoe breaks.

10. What does Doctor Rank offer to do?
(a) send Nora a present
(b) apologize to Mrs. Linde
(c) explain to Torvald what has happened
(d) leave forever

11. What does Torvald call Nora's explanation?
(a) a mockery of law
(b) a song by a little bird
(c) a silly excuse
(d) a beautiful lie

12. What stops Nora from leaving?
(a) Torvald, coming out of his study
(b) the maid coming in from the kitchen
(c) Nora's doubts about leaving her children
(d) Nora's doubts about what is in the letter

13. Would Nora's idea to get the money from Doctor Rank have worked?
(a) Yes, but Krogstad would have demanded more than the value of the bond.
(b) No, Doctor Rank would never have given Nora the money.
(c) Yes, Krogstad won't tell Torvald if Nora is prepared to pay off the bond.
(d) No, Krogstad would never have given up the bond.

14. How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable?
(a) two years
(b) a year
(c) a year and a half
(d) six months

15. What does Nora initially tell Torvald is her reason for her wrongdoing?
(a) saving the children from being fatherless and penniless
(b) not knowing what she was doing could be considered wrong
(c) loving him above anything else
(d) acting selfishly because she couldn't lose him

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nora tell Torvald to do, after they've discussed Doctor Rank's impending death?

2. What sign tells Mrs. Linde that the Helmers will be returning soon?

3. What does Mrs. Linde say she has faith in about Krogstad?

4. What are Krogstad and Nora talking about, that both considered but neither had the courage for?

5. What evidence does Doctor Rank believe supports his jealousy?

(see the answer keys)

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