Dogeaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dogeaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Scene 6, what has Lolita heard about Daisy Avila?
(a) She is being tortured and raped.
(b) She has fled to East Timor.
(c) She is dead.
(d) She has joined the rebels in the mountains.

2. Which character does not appear in Scene 2?
(a) Lolita.
(b) Nestor.
(c) Tito.
(d) Romeo.

3. What does Avila say he is at the end of Scene 16?
(a) Tired.
(b) In love.
(c) Terrified.
(d) Resolute.

4. Why is Joey ill in Scene 11?
(a) He is withdrawing from heroin.
(b) He has whooping cough.
(c) He has dysentery.
(d) He is depressed.

5. Who does Perlita order to watch Joey in Scene 5?
(a) Romeo.
(b) Chitquiting.
(c) Joey.
(d) Uncle.

6. At the end of Scene 10, what reason does Imelda give for Ferdinand's not being there?
(a) He has a cold.
(b) He is golfing.
(c) He is in a meeting.
(d) He is meeting with Burt Reynolds.

7. What does Imelda say about Daisy Avila in Scene 10?
(a) She is on her way to England.
(b) She has died in childbirth.
(c) She has been released.
(d) She was never questioned.

8. At the end of Scene 6, what does Lolita ask Alacran to procure for her?
(a) A gun.
(b) A print of a Hollywood film.
(c) Papers.
(d) Skin whitener.

9. Whom does Imelda state killed Avila in Scene 10?
(a) Ledesma.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Santos.
(d) Romeo.

10. Which character is not speaking on a phone in Scene 4?
(a) Bob Stone.
(b) Pucha.
(c) Lolita.
(d) Joey.

11. Who tells Rio of the assassination in Scene 1?
(a) Freddy.
(b) Lola.
(c) Pucha.
(d) Boomboom.

12. Who betrays Joey in Scene 4?
(a) Perlita.
(b) Lolita.
(c) Uncle.
(d) Fassbinder.

13. What is Lolita worried about in Scene 6?
(a) Not winning the top acrting prize in the film festival.
(b) Not being able to get foreign products if martial law occurs.
(c) General Ledesma finding about her other lovers.
(d) Rebels mudering her if the Marcoses are overthrown.

14. In Scene 11, what are most of the guerrillas' attitudes toward Joey?
(a) They are amused by him.
(b) They pity him.
(c) They are disgusted by him.
(d) They are in love with him.

15. Why does Freddy get angry at Rio in Scene 1?
(a) She won't tell him where she was last night.
(b) She speaks to him in English.
(c) She gets high in front of him.
(d) She laughs at the assassination.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the ghost of Senator Avila first ask of Daisy in Scene 9?

2. Who shoots Senator Avila?

3. What does Imelda say about her childhood in Scene 10?

4. Who does Joey first tell about witnessing the assassination?

5. Where does Scene 11 take place?

(see the answer keys)

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