Dogeaters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dogeaters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the cafe of Scene 9 made up to look like?
(a) A teepee.
(b) A military barracks.
(c) A jeepney.
(d) A mobile home.

2. Where is Santos Triador in Scene 5?
(a) In prison.
(b) In the jungle.
(c) In America.
(d) In Senator Avila's estate.

3. In Scene 12, what does Alacran press Avila about?
(a) His intentions to run for president.
(b) The secret to his golf swing.
(c) A recommendation for the film festival.
(d) Daisy's boyfriend.

4. Who is Senator Avila speaking to in Scene 7?
(a) Artists.
(b) Students.
(c) His children.
(d) Workers.

5. Who does Romeo claim to be friends with in Scene 6?
(a) Lolita Luna.
(b) Tito Alvarez.
(c) Rainer Fassbinder.
(d) Imelda Marcos.

6. While they have sex in Scene 15, what does Romeo accidentally call Trini?
(a) Barbara.
(b) Brooke.
(c) Daisy.
(d) Lolita.

7. What does the audience hear before the lights come up at the beginning of Scene 1?
(a) Crickets.
(b) Sounds of lovemaking.
(c) Radio clips.
(d) Gun shots.

8. At the beginning of Dogeaters, what national event is about to happen in Manila?
(a) Ferdinand Marcos' Golden Jubillee.
(b) Imelda Marcos' birthday.
(c) Philippine Independence Day.
(d) Manila International Film Festival.

9. At the beginning of Dogeaters, who does the announcer say has just met with the Marcoses?
(a) Yves Saint Laurent.
(b) Ronald Reagan.
(c) Margaret Thatcher.
(d) Luis Bunuel.

10. How does Uncle stop Joey from attacking him in Scene 4?
(a) He pulls a knife on him.
(b) He kisses him.
(c) He gets him high.
(d) He threatens not to get him work.

11. What is unique about Daisy Avila's win in the pageant?
(a) She is the first dark-skinned girl to win.
(b) She is the first girl under 18 to win.
(c) She is the first non-loyalist to win.
(d) She is the first university student to win.

12. Who did Fassbinder dance with all night at the ball?
(a) Imelda Marcos.
(b) Daisy Avila.
(c) Chiquiting..
(d) Pucha.

13. Which revolutionary European director hits on Joey in Scene 10?
(a) Polanski.
(b) Fassbinder.
(c) Goddard.
(d) Truffaut.

14. What performer does Perlita emulate in Scene 14?
(a) Gloria Gaynor.
(b) Lena Horne.
(c) Donna Summers.
(d) Diana Ross.

15. In Scene 9, why is Rio sad?
(a) She misses San Francisco.
(b) The city is less lively than she remembers it.
(c) She is thinking about her grandmother.
(d) Her ex-boyfriend is getting married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Senator Avila pressing the government for?

2. Which of these characters is not introduced in Scene 2?

3. Why is Senator Avila well known in the Philippines?

4. Whose books is Imelda Marcos said to have banned?

5. Why is Pucha scandalized in Scene 9?

(see the answer keys)

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