Does My Head Look Big In This? Test | Final Test - Medium

Randa Abdel-fattah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Does My Head Look Big In This? Test | Final Test - Medium

Randa Abdel-fattah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of music does Amal listen to in Chapter 30 when she is missing her friendship with a particular character?
(a) Rom-com soundtracks.
(b) Love ballads.
(c) Country.
(d) Heavy metal.

2. When Gulchin will not agree to let Leila go out to dinner with her friends at night for her birthday, to what location is the surprise party moved?
(a) Amal's house.
(b) Eileen's house.
(c) Yasmeen's house.
(d) Samantha's dorm.

3. Near the end of Chapter 17, Amal tells the reader that "Sometimes it is easy to lose faith in" (161) what?
(a) People.
(b) Love.
(c) Family.
(d) Peace.

4. How old does Aunt Mandy claim to be when the family celebrates her birthday in Chapter 21?
(a) 37.
(b) 51.
(c) 43.
(d) 39.

5. How many weeks does Amal say Adam's "sulk/macho act" (275) has gone on when she slips him a silly note in class?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 1.
(d) 3.

Short Answer Questions

1. With which two characters is Amal teamed up for the final round of debates?

2. Who announces the teams for the final two debating rounds at the start of Chapter 27?

3. Amal and Leila plan a surprise birthday dinner for which of Leila's birthdays in Chapter 31?

4. In what month do Amal and Mrs. Vaselli sit together on Mrs. Vaselli's porch in Chapter 32?

5. Who asks Amal in Chapter 30 if she will give a speech to the student body about Muslims and terrorism?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the circumstances around the departure of Adam's biological mother at one point in his childhood.

2. What does Lara do to ameliorate the hurt she causes Amal by asking her to give a speech about Muslims and terrorism?

3. To what event does Adam invite Amal in Chapter 27 and what lie does she tell to get her mother Jamila to let her attend?

4. Discuss an instance when Amal uses a simile to indicate the state of her friendship with Adam.

5. For what reason is Leila excluded from a great deal of Amal's sleepover in Chapter 16?

6. What does the public bus driver do in Chapter 17 in an attempt to intimidate and harass Amal?

7. What discovery does Amal make in Chapter 24 about the rift between Mrs. Vaselli and her son?

8. What emotional story does Mrs. Vaselli share with Amal in Chapter 23?

9. What kind of sports metaphor does Amal create for Adam to illustrate the effects of fajr?

10. What are the two main forms of communication Adam and Amal use with one another over the two weeks of midterm break?

(see the answer keys)

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