Doctor Zhivago Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doctor Zhivago Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 13, what type of criminal do some people in Yuriatin suspect Yuri of being?
(a) A deserter
(b) A bad doctor
(c) A unregistered citizen
(d) A Tsarist sympathizer

2. By what name is Yuri's division known?
(a) The Forest Forces.
(b) The Tree Dwellers.
(c) The Forest Brotherhood.
(d) The Woodland Warriors.

3. In Chapter 16, after World War II, under whose protection does Tonia live?
(a) The protection of the state.
(b) Komorov's protection.
(c) Evgraf's protection.
(d) Yuri's protection.

4. Why does Lara admire Yuri?
(a) Because he has not let political propaganda infect his soul.
(b) Because he is a good provider.
(c) Because he is a romantic poet.
(d) Because he is kinder than Pasha.

5. What does Yuri do while alone in Mikulitsyn's house?
(a) He rises early and tends the garden.
(b) He sleeps late and writes about politics.
(c) He drinks vodka and writes about Lara.
(d) He repairs holes the rats have made.

6. While living across the street from the house of sculptures in Chapter 13, why do Lara and Yuri feel they must leave Yuriatin soon?
(a) Eventually the authorities will consider them enemies of the state.
(b) They feel the seamstress is plotting revenge.
(c) There is not enough food or work for them in Yuriatin.
(d) Yuri refuses to register with the government.

7. Why does the White Army leave a mutilated man for the Red Army to discover?
(a) The mutilated man was a political leader.
(b) The mutilated man is a black market trader.
(c) The mutilated man is a spy.
(d) The mutilated man is a warning about war atrocities.

8. Why does Yuri want to borrow scissors from a nearby seamstress?
(a) To make Lara a gift.
(b) To repair his coat.
(c) To make a shirt out of the curtains in his room.
(d) To trim his hair and beard.

9. In Chapter 14, why is Strelnikov in hiding?
(a) He is hiding from the angry husband of a lover.
(b) He faces a court martial and possible execution.
(c) He is depressed and has deserted the army.
(d) He is a government spy.

10. Which drunken character from Lara's past is allowed to sleep in a rat-infested room of her house in Yuriatin?
(a) Komarovsky.
(b) Pasha.
(c) Uncle Nikolai.
(d) Strelnikov.

11. Why is a group of soldiers executed near Yuri's tree?
(a) They are found guilty of treason.
(b) They are found guilty of desertion.
(c) They are found guilty of murder.
(d) They are found guilty of illegally distilling vodka.

12. While living in Mikulitsyn's house, what hobby does Yuri pursue?
(a) Wood carving.
(b) Chess.
(c) Poetry writing.
(d) Gardening.

13. What type of tree does Yuri discover growing near the camp on a piece of high ground?
(a) A weeping willow.
(b) A rowan tree.
(c) A pine tree.
(d) An oak tree.

14. Why is Yuri's tree more noticeable that all the other trees?
(a) The tree is dead.
(b) The tree is covered in red berries.
(c) The tree has colorful leaves.
(d) The tree is blossoming with beautiful flowers.

15. What symptoms does the soldier Pamphil complain of?
(a) Muscle aches.
(b) Chills and fever.
(c) Hallucinations.
(d) Indigestion and constipation.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where to Lara and Yuri intend to go after leaving Yuriatin?

2. Yuri returns to Moscow during the Soviet NEP period. What does NEP stand for?

3. Why do Lara and Yuri leave Yuriatin so suddenly?

4. Whom does Yuri hope to find upon his return to Yuriatin?

5. What does Yuri's new friend study during the NEP period?

(see the answer keys)

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