Doctor No Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Doctor No Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened to Bond, Quarrel, and Honeychile's food during their trip to the camp?
(a) They don't have food.
(b) It went bad.
(c) It is wet.
(d) It is lost.

2. What part of Bond is stepped on by the man searching the water for them?
(a) Foot.
(b) Hand.
(c) Leg.
(d) Arm.

3. After Bond helps Honeychile with her clothing, what does he call for her?
(a) A masseuse.
(b) A make-up artist.
(c) A hairdresser.
(d) A doctor.

4. What is missing in Bond and Honeychile's room in Dr. No's mountain?
(a) Lights.
(b) A bed.
(c) A bathroom.
(d) Doorknobs.

5. What happens to Quarrel before Bond is forced on the vehicle?
(a) He dies.
(b) He is tortured.
(c) He is captured.
(d) He is drowned.

6. Where is Bond going to fall into from the duct during the endurance course?
(a) The aquarium.
(b) The sea.
(c) The volcano.
(d) The river.

7. When Bond tries to get out of the room, what happens to him the first time?
(a) He's shot at.
(b) He's shot with poison.
(c) He's shocked with electricity.
(d) He's unable to jump high enough.

8. What does Dr. No have for hands?
(a) Hooks.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Paws.
(d) Claws.

9. Where do Honeychile and Bond go to eat with Dr. No?
(a) His dining room.
(b) His parlor.
(c) His observatory.
(d) His ballroom.

10. In what type of room does Bond begin his endurance course?
(a) A bathroom.
(b) A reception room.
(c) A bedroom.
(d) A bare room.

11. What kind of vehicle is outfitted to look like a dragon?
(a) A jeep.
(b) An all-terrain vehicle.
(c) A bike.
(d) A motorbike.

12. When the door at the end of the hallway that Bond and Honeychile are supposed to walk through opens, what emotion does Bond feel?
(a) Insecurity.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Fear.
(d) Surprise.

13. What does Dr. No plan for Bond to do?
(a) Go through an electrified endurance course.
(b) Run an endurance course.
(c) Swim an endurance course.
(d) Go through an endurance course while being shot at.

14. How does Dr. No plan to kill Honeychile?
(a) By starving her to death.
(b) By whipping her to death.
(c) By letting crabs bite her to death.
(d) By letting scorpions sting her to death.

15. One of the women questioning Bond and Honeychile keep calling them what?
(a) Testers.
(b) Subjects.
(c) Patients.
(d) Slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Bond enters the bungalow at the entrance to Dr. No's mountain, who attacks him?

2. What is Bond wearing when he begins his endurance course?

3. Why does Honeychile want to have a new career?

4. Who takes the first watch when Bond and his companions sleep in the Audubon camp?

5. How many people would the hotel on Crab Key bring to the island each year?

(see the answer keys)

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