Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Final Test - Medium

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Final Test - Medium

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Aanchal going to classes to learn?
(a) Chemistry.
(b) Dental hygiene.
(c) Math.
(d) English.

2. Which friend lied and told Aanchal's family she had been with her the day she disappeared?
(a) Runu.
(b) Peri.
(c) Jindal.
(d) Naina.

3. What does Faiz call his mother?
(a) Mother.
(b) Mamo.
(c) Ammi.
(d) Ma.

4. What job does Faiz take since his brother is jailed?
(a) A job at the tea shop.
(b) A job as a cook.
(c) A job selling things at the traffic junction.
(d) A job as a temple assistant.

5. What does Jai call the dog he tries to befriend in Part III?
(a) Peri.
(b) Jindal.
(c) Harvey.
(d) Samosa.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Runu-Didi say that prompts her father to slap her?

2. Why does Jai think his mother is trying to make him feel guilty in Part IV?

3. How does Faiz find out where Aanchal's house is?

4. What does Tariq-Bhai say the police should use to track Aanchal's phone?

5. Who is very upset that both Runu-Didi and Jai snuck out of the house while she was watching them in Part IV?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jai think about the T.V.-repair chacha?

2. Who does Jai's Ma work for and how is she treated at her work?

3. Why does Khadifa resent her brother Kabir in Part IV?

4. Who does Jai notice asking Duttaram about child labor and why does he notice this person?

5. What does Runu-Didi tell Jai about why someone is stealing so many children, and how does he react?

6. How does Jai react to the disappearance of Runu-Didi in Part IV?

7. What problem do the basti residents have with the police as more children are disappearing?

8. What does Jai do to earn back the money for the parachute tin, and how does this endeavor start?

9. What are the rumors Jai starts hearing about Aanchal?

10. In the section in Part III that explains what happened to Aanchal, what made her very uncomfortable on the night she disappeared?

(see the answer keys)

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