Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Final Test - Easy

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Final Test - Easy

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Papa stand up to about the harm in causing divisions between Muslims and Hindus in Part IV?
(a) Kirpal-Sir.
(b) Quarter.
(c) The Praja.
(d) Fatima.

2. What are the names of the two Muslim children who were snatched?
(a) Sahar and Yohola.
(b) Kabir and Khadifa.
(c) Dira and Shanti.
(d) Runu and Dira.

3. What does Jai call the dog he tries to befriend in Part III?
(a) Peri.
(b) Samosa.
(c) Jindal.
(d) Harvey.

4. What does Jai think is the worst thing about the poem he has to learn?
(a) It has too many words.
(b) It does not answer its own questions.
(c) It is like a song.
(d) It does not even rhyme.

5. Who is Aanchal's boyfriend?
(a) Suraj.
(b) Jamie.
(c) Raja.
(d) Jafa.

6. Where do Jai, Pari and Faiz find out Naina works?
(a) Fabulous Beauty.
(b) Hair to the Nines.
(c) Shine beauty parlor.
(d) Hair and Nails.

7. Why does the T.V.-repair chacha think Bahadur hid all his money in the shop?
(a) He was saving it for college.
(b) He was saving it for food.
(c) He did not want his father Drunkard Laloo to find it.
(d) He was saving it for a train ticket.

8. Who is one of Faiz's brothers who goes to the police to plead the family's case?
(a) Farid-Bhai.
(b) Rali-Bhai.
(c) Buna-Bhai.
(d) Wajid-Bhai.

9. What does Aanchal threaten to do if the man who is harassing her does not stop?
(a) Scream to wake the whole basti.
(b) Stab him.
(c) Call the police.
(d) Run as fast as she can.

10. What does Jai's Ma tell him the hi-fi people are trying to get rid of?
(a) The bastis like theirs.
(b) The toilet stalls.
(c) The rickshaws.
(d) The rubbish ground.

11. Why does Jai's boss sometimes pay him less than they agreed?
(a) Jai loses some flowers.
(b) Jai ruins some clothes.
(c) Jai breaks some glasses.
(d) Jai offends the customers.

12. What does Jai tell Runu when she tells him not to wait for her to walk home from school together?
(a) To go get kidnapped.
(b) To go make her music.
(c) To go eat dung.
(d) To pick ticks off of her coach-boyfriend's balls.

13. What does Runu-Didi tell Jai about the kidnapper's motivations to scare Jai?
(a) Maybe the children are being tortured.
(b) Maybe the children are being eaten.
(c) Maybe the children are being turned into ghosts.
(d) Maybe the children are being sold for kidneys.

14. What are the two things Jai's Ma removes from her bundle of valuable possessions?
(a) The picture of the family.
(b) Her best sari.
(c) The gun.
(d) The rolling pin and roti board.

15. What form do djinns sometimes take, according to legends?
(a) A black dog, cat, or snake.
(b) A leopard.
(c) A monkey.
(d) A tiger or dolphin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What day of the week does Jai work?

2. What does Jai steal from a plate at work one of his first days there?

3. What does the policeman tell Pari when she threatens to expose the terrible conditions of the prison?

4. What prompts Jai's Papa to tell him that the missing children are not a game?

5. What does Ma accuse Runu-Didi of doing aside from running?

(see the answer keys)

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