Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deepa Anappara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which transport hub does Jai live near?
(a) The Foxhall.
(b) The Firkinguard.
(c) The Kerala Train Station.
(d) The Purple Line Metro.

2. Why do Jai, Pari, and Faiz get a few days off from school in Part II?
(a) Because of the heat.
(b) Because of the flood.
(c) Because of the kidnappings.
(d) Because of the smog.

3. What does Jai call his mother's boss?
(a) A Shopsti.
(b) A Hi-Fi lady.
(c) A Vairun.
(d) A Ronhan.

4. Where does Bahadur's brother tell Jai and the others he used to talk about running away to?
(a) Kerala.
(b) New Dheli.
(c) Jaira.
(d) Manali.

5. What does Jai commonly have to queue for?
(a) Phone calls.
(b) The toilets.
(c) Cheese.
(d) Meat.

6. Who is the first child to disappear?
(a) Omvir.
(b) Rhadan.
(c) Bahadur.
(d) Pari.

7. What does Omvir sometimes forget is a hi-fi building in Part II?
(a) Spring Street.
(b) Palace Temple.
(c) Maple Towers.
(d) Golden Gates.

8. Where does Bahadur's brother say Bahadur liked to go after school?
(a) Bhoot Bazar.
(b) The video game arcade.
(c) The tea shop.
(d) The running field.

9. Who is Jai's sister?
(a) Runu-Didi.
(b) Bhai-Didi.
(c) Sari-Didi.
(d) Shanti-Didi.

10. Why does Jai tell policemen he is out of school in Part I?
(a) Because he works.
(b) Because he needs to help his Ma.
(c) Because he was kicked out.
(d) Because he has digestive problems.

11. How do the boys call on Mental's protection after he dies?
(a) By chanting a prayer in song.
(b) By offering him a blanket.
(c) By calling his real name.
(d) By going to a spot where they used to meet.

12. What does Jai see Bahadur's mother give to the policeman?
(a) Her entire wallet.
(b) Her gold chain.
(c) Her food.
(d) Money.

13. Who is Fatima's pet?
(a) Sari.
(b) Hindiri.
(c) Buffalo-Baba.
(d) Paracula.

14. What sport does Jai's sister practice?
(a) Squash.
(b) Volleyball.
(c) Tennis.
(d) Running.

15. Who is Jai's main teacher?
(a) Willis-Sir.
(b) Kirpal-Sir.
(c) Mairun-Madam.
(d) Sisti-Madam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bahadur imagine his mother rubbing his chest with when he is sick?

2. Where does Pari suggest getting money for train tickets?

3. What does Quarter always wear?

4. What do the police say about Bahadur's disappearance?

5. Why does Jai think Quarter might possibly be the one snatching children?

(see the answer keys)

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